"What happened to you? Are you alright?" He was holding her tightly while looking at her with so much worry. "You look so pale."

  Hana chuckled with her head bowed down. "Just kidding."

"Hey! That's not fair! You know I'd be worry if something happens to you."

He had no idea that something did happen. She was just hiding it because she didn't want to add to his worry. She didn't know what to do with the memories in her mind as well. They were jumbled and a little confusing to her. The memories were from different people and she doesn't understand why they were coming inside her mind.

"Let's just find a place to eat now. I'm famished."

"Sure. Sure."

Jacob led her around the place to find a place to eat. All the way, she was enduring the throbbing pain. She was used to excruciating pains she had experienced in the years that she had been existing. This little throbbing pain was nothing to her.