Jacob looked at the demon lady in front of her and frowned. He clapped his hands right in front of her which startled the lady and made her took two steps back.

"Such an annoying fly!" Jacob mumbled while waving his hand and he made sure to wave it closer to the demon lady. The woman looked around her to see where the fly that Jacob was talking about. She didn't see it but she didn't bother herself as well. She looked at him for one last time before walking around the place to figure out where the scent of death and power came from.

Jacob breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter?" Hana asked him after noticing that he was acting weird in front of her. "Don't you like the food?" she whispered to him, afraid to offend the chef or the restaurant owner.

"It's not the food. Just eat. Don't mind me."
