'Hey, don't joke with me." Jacob told her with empty laughter.  "Marriage is not a joke."

"Who's getting married?" Lily and Liam asked in unison. Even though they were far from them. They were listening to their conversation but they didn't hear the full statement. They only heard Jacob exclaiming about marriage.

"I'm getting married." Hana answered with a wide grin. "I'll make Lily the maid of honor and I'll have Vicky as my flower girl."

"Oh! Shut it! Stop dreaming." Lily replied with her eyes rolling at her friend. "Who are you going to marry?"

Hana raised her hand and pointed towards Jacob. Lily and Liam were both speechless. Victoria was happy for her uncle but she had no idea if Hana was serious or was just joking. However, Jacob was the most affected. The hair that he was supposed to braid slipped from her hold and they flew wildly around Hana.