Jacob was standing in front of Hana's epitaph once again with Vicky beside him. It was March 27 and it was Victoria's birthday. However, when Hana died, Victoria stopped celebrating her birthday. They thought it would immediately pass just like how they thought that Jacob would be able to recover from the heartbreak in two or three months.

No one in the whole Mejia family expected that they will be seriously affected and even after a year had passed, the two – both the niece and the uncle, would still be mourning over her death.

"Have you said your prayers and wishes?" Jacob asked her niece while holding her left hand with his right and holding an umbrella with his left.

Victoria nodded her head and looked at her uncle with watery eyes. "Uncle, I missed her so much."

"I missed her, too." Jacob responded with a sad smile. "But she promised that she'd be watching us. I know she'll keep her promise."