Adam stepped out of the car and ran to catch with them at the gate.

Ivy was about to close the gate when a foot appeared to block it. "What are you doing?" she raised her eyebrow in question. "Are you not done disturbing me in my work that you've decided to come here and continue to annoy me?"

"I want to see your back." Adam mumbled incoherently from embarrassment. He didn't realize that what he was asking was a bit rude to the other party but he still wanted to say it anyway to check her.


"I want to see your back." He firmly responded. "There's something on your back that caught my attention."

Iris also frowned when she heard his response. "Why should she show her back to you?" she questioned. Even though the person beside her was no longer her sister, Iris still wanted to protect her secret because Hana was possessing her sister's body. She didn't want her to leave and be gone from her side.