Hana was just observing everyone and everyone were observing her as well. The soldiers had a vague idea of what she was planning to do but they weren't sure either. In front of them was a demoness, not a goddess but they still trusted her even after what happened to their comrades. She said that she has a way to bring them back to life so, they were waiting for her to finish whatever she had in mind and they will ask her to resurrect everyone.

"How heartless." Aeklis commented. "You are here having fun with us while your mother and father are under my control. Shouldn't you be taking care of them?"

"Of course, I will be taking care of them just you wait." Hana smiled and waved her hand.

No one felt anything but the next moment, a very loud shrill sent goosebumps to everyone's arms. They all looked towards the source of the voice and they saw an arm, flying away from the main body. Blood was dripping from the clean cut that they had no idea who it came from.