The next day, life continued like usual. Iris woke up, prepared herself for work and said goodbye to her sister's picture. She wasn't sure if Hana knew that she'd be gone for several months and made preparation beforehand. The three people, who were acting as CEO in their behalf to make sure that their company won't fall to the wrong hands, called her to present another kind of game that they can introduce to the market in the next six months.

Iris had no idea what to do with this kind of things because she has never done it and she has no knowledge when it comes to computer games. She can only play solitaire during her free time.

She told them that Ivy's currently missing and that there was no game to introduce unless the real CEO comes back. Unexpectedly, a message popped up on her screen when she was working. It was from an external sender and she decided to ignore it, however, the message it contained was about a game.