Llyr cocked his head to the side while listening to Hana in front of him. As he observed her carefully, he could tell that her appearance was slowly changing. She grew few inches as well.

"You mentioned that every time I came here is when you wake up, right?"

"Yes." Hana crossed ger legs in front of her and cupped her face while placing her elbows on her legs. "When I woke up from a deep slumber, like I don't know how long it was, you came here and gave me a name. Then, I had to go to sleep again. When I woke up, you're here again. And this time, too. I woke up three times already and I don't know how long has it been since I fell asleep but I am glad to see you here."

Llyr fell into deep thinking with her words. According to his analysis using his last two experiences and her comments, the trigger that would bring him back to her was when she wakes up from her deep sleep and the trigger to send him back to his own world was for her to mention her own name.