Their life continued like usual. Hana has learned a lot of things when it comes to emotions and sometimes, she'll have these weird dreams with Jacob but she never told him anything. She didn't want him to think that she's weird.

During weekend, Jacob would visit her and bring her to different places to explore. They went to a planetarium, a star and moon observation place, parks, game center, shopping districts, street food area, museums and other places that they could have fun. Day by day, Hana has learned to smile genuinely and laugh with him.

She was having so much fun.

Sometimes, their classmates would go out with them and sometimes, it was just the two of them. Her mother even teased her that she's been going on a date with Jacob.

On Christmas day, Jacob gave her a flower brooch that she can use to wear during formal occasions and he also gave her a necklace that she can wear every day.