

Last letter to my successor, Lobo

You'll finally going to be a leader this time. I know you can do it, I've personally taught you everything you needed to know. Don't worry too much about being like me and I know you would try your hardest to imitate what I did. You are your own person. You are a great person even without being like me.

The reason I chose you as my vice leader is because you are different from me. Remember when we were relaxing and taking time off, you were out there searching for another way out? You were able to find a new path that allowed us to reach the holy grail much faster and much safer.

You see things that I couldn't see before and that is valuable. That is what you will be bringing to the table once you become crowned as the leader of the Defending Tip. I know it will feel heavy the first time you wear it, I know I felt it.

I know how you're feeling right now but don't ever feel burdened about my death. You had done everything you can and sometimes, life will go against your favor. Life will throw curveballs at you that you can never guard against no matter how much you prepare. That is just the natural way of life.

You are now in charge of the Defending Tip. You know how your members will react once I am truly gone. It is your job to lead them with an unyielding face in these difficult times. This means that you are going to have to put your emotions on hold to let your members feel safe and secure when they are with you.

It is okay to feel sorrow, it is better to show joy, but it is best to show fortitude.

You can do it, you're a man now. I believe in you.

From your predecessor, Gotang


Lobo received the very last sermon Gotang gave him. He looked towards Gotang and his unyielding spirit will always be imprinted in his mind. He felt shame, regret, and helplessness as he watched his leader die in a fiery death.

He looked back and he regretted how he didn't train more hours and pushed his physical limits to the very end. His fists balled up into a fist and his nails dug into his skin and the pain numbed his sorrow. He couldn't believe that this was happening. How could he let his mentor down like that? He should have helped more in the fight against the oni and the horse. How could he have not held his own weight there? He was always riding in the coattails of Gotang thinking that he was at the very least competent enough to deal with adversity. It turns out he was as useless as a fire in the middle of the desert.

He remembered back when he was a child, a problem child. His parents had abandoned him and left him to survive on his own in the streets. To cope with the betrayal and to survive, he had to resort to the only thing he could do. He became a thief.

At first, he would steal bread and food, just enough for him to survive day to day. As time went on, he started to escalate into money, then jewelry. He met different kids who shared the same story as him as they became a group of kids who created a modus operandi.

They would distract ongoing passerby then other kids would steal their wallets and everything they could get. He was no longer hungry like those first few weeks of being abandoned. He wasn't alone as he had multiple other kids who were in the same situation as him. He was content.

Some days, the operation would fail and they would get caught red-handed. During those times, everyone dispersed and it was every man for himself. If you got caught then it was your fault. The other kids would not bat an eye as they sprinted away from you with the food and money that you stole.

Lobo was caught multiple times and brought into jail for days on end. They were still minors so there were not considered criminals. After being locked up for several hours, they would get released into the wild. The precinct did not hold them in for several days on end because they were obliged to feed the prisoners and they felt it was a waste to put food in the mouths of the troublemakers.

Being in jail was like a badge of honor in their group. They would brag about each other's experience in jail as if it was a vacation spot. Their minds were truly narrow and naive back then.

One day, Lobo was operating the same system they used to steal from pedestrians. They settled on an unassuming man walking in the streets. Lobo got assigned as the main thief as he positioned himself to hide from the man's sight.

The other kids distracted the man while Lobo sneaked in for the man's wallet. The man's back was turned to Lobo but the man was able to notice Lobo sneaking up to him. The man immediately grasped the hands of Lobo, indicating the failure of their mission. The other kids saw this and bolted in every direction never to be seen again. Lobo knew he was caught to he gave up and expected to be turned in to the precinct. The man looked at him and Lobo was surprised. There was no pity and no disgust, only a warm glare that gave him comfort.

Gotang didn't take him to the precinct. He took Lobo into his home and disciplined him. Lobo was forced to paint walls and clean houses but he was given food and shelter in exchange. At first, he felt angry and wanted to run away but some part of him prevented him. He started to accept this new life that he was given. It didn't take long for him to love the community and the memories he made there.

As he grew up into a man, he started to aspire into greater heights. He wanted to be like Gotang. He wanted to be strong and independent like their leader. He trained hard using the techniques and skills taught by Gotang and studied them to his hearts' content. He started to go on adventures with Gotang and follow in his footsteps.

It didn't take long for him to climb the ladders and be one of the integral parts of the army of the Defending Tip. He was proud of his accomplishments and wanted to climb the ladder even more and hopefully be the next in line as a successor to Gotang's leadership.

His wish came true but it came too fast. He was put upon the title of the vice leader due to an unfortunate incident that killed most of the upper ranks of the Defending Tip. He wasn't ready to have a title that was right next to the leader of the Defending Tip. Gotang believed in him and encouraged him throughout his journey to learn to be a vice leader.

It took time but he finally felt confident in his role as a vice leader. He knew the tips and tricks in coordinating with the main attack group, he knew the importance of intel, and he knew the importance of group morale. These were all the traits that Gotang displayed throughout his leadership and Lobo took them all into heart.

He was happy and content in following Gotang's footsteps and handling the dirty business that their leader shouldn't handle. He wanted to be a leader but that was only when Gotang retired from old age or exhaustion. When he was a kid, he wanted to be a leader in order to be like Gotang. As he grew older, his intent changed. He wanted to be a leader in order for Gotang to rest and be unburdened from the responsibilities of being a leader.

He wanted to repay Gotang's kindness by lifting some of the troubles he had. He didn't want to be a leader because of the glory and praise he will get, but he treated the leadership as a burden he had to carry from Gotang's shoulders. He estimated that being a leader wouldn't come to him for another 10 years or so but life had other plans for him.

He was once again forced into responsibility. When he was a kid, he was forced to be responsible for himself. When he became a man, he was forced into being the supporting hand of Gotang. Now, he was forced to be responsible for every single life of their members.

His face seemed to age as the pressure of being a leader bore down on him. He couldn't believe how Gotang was able to be confident and at ease as he walked with the lives of hundreds of people on his shoulders.

His knees buckled as he fell down, looking down to the ground. Drops of tears poured down the soil as anguish filled his eyes.