
From the depths of the fog, the figure of Pops appeared and shocked all of them. Bang, Ligi, and Resi immediately recognized him as the old man they met at the casino.


Their guard was fully up, and their eyes looked around warily for any traps that Pops could spring into them. They saw Pops walking towards them with slow steps.


*step* *step*


Bang, Ligi, and Jack waited with bated breaths as Pops approached them with mysterious intent. Resi, on the other hand, could not wait anymore and charged towards Pops.


Resi gathered the strength in his fist and punched it towards Pops. Even though he knew that he would not damage Pops, he knew that attacking first would always be a good idea.


Pops looked at Resi and slightly moved away from his head, barely dodging Resi's fist. Like before, Pops did not have any trouble dodging Resi's attacks.