
Bodt was caught off guard by Resi's fast punch. He did not see any sort of indication that Resi would suddenly appear right in front of him. From his perspective, it was as if Resi teleported in front of him.


Bang was watching Resi's me Bodt square off from a distance. He could see everything that went on in their fight.


Bang watched as Resi rear his punch back as if he was charging it up. Bang's perceptive eyes saw Resi's scaly gauntlets glow a bright red light underneath the scales.


Bang could see the air getting sucked into Resi's fist. After a few seconds of preparation, Resi punched towards Bodt.


All the energy that was in Resi's fist burst forth a power that Bang had never seen before. The momentum of the punch was strong enough to pull Resi's whole body towards the direction where Resi punched.