Sakumo's Warning

In the Training grounds, one can see a figure appear and disappear at times. At times the figure is in the air or on the ground. The movements doesn't seemed forced, they were like fluid, without making much noise.


"I have finally managed to master Soru and geppo. Even though getting them to master so as to move without sound was difficult, but after some practice it is still achievable. With this my fighting style has made a tremendous growth. The more unpredictable my movements are more efficient I will be during the battle, and along with my devil fruit powers I will be invincible in battle ground." Ryuu mused.

"Time to get back home. Dad will be coming back today." Ryuu got up and started walking towards the village.

He teached home after some time and went straight to his room and clean up, got some fresh garbs and went towards the backyard where Kakashi and Sakumo were sparring with swords.

Seeing Ryuu coming, they stopped, Kakashi said-"Your'e back."

Ryuu simply nodded to Kakashi and looked towards Sakumo and asked, "Dad, when will you start training me in kenjutsu? I am already a genin now."

"Haha!! Yes, my little boy, congratulations on becoming a genin. I am proud of you, keep working hard. As for Kenjutsu, we will start training from tomorrow. Even though our clan has no special kekkai-genkai or unique jutsu, the Kenjutsu of Hatake family is a force to be reckoned with. Once you are able to master it you should be able to cut any jutsu or chakra construct like a piece of paper. You should work hard to achieve this." Sakmo said to Ryuu. He was clearly happy that his youngest has become genin and also being hailed as a genius in the village.

"Thanks Dad!! And there is one more thing i want to say."(Ryuu)

"Go on, say anything you want."(Sakumo)

"I was attacked by Root today at training ground 27." Ryuu said while looking at Sakumo. As he said that, he can see that the usual demeanor of a father fading away and replaced by a beast.

But Sakumo quickly calmed down and asked slowly,"Tell me what happened in detail."

"Well this is what happened-" Ryuu started explaining how he was followed to the training ground and how root members were forcing to take him away to Danzo and how he fought them," - and finally I left the training ground. I didn't kill them because I know it might bring trouble to us."

Sakumo listened to his son patiently and Kakashi had anger in his eyes while his fist gripping onto the wooden sword that was in his hand tightly.

"Next time you get attacked like this, you don't have to worry about the consequences, I can handle them. Even though I doubt there will be next time, I will make sure of that. I will be in the village for the next 15 days, you will have your kenjutsu training with your brother every morning and evening. I heard from your big brother you both joined Anbu, It was a good choice to develop overall as a shinobi, you will mostly have classes for the first few days as a rookie"

"Yes dad, I will keep that in mind and don't worry I am not an easy target either." Ryuu answered and quickly changed topic,"Let's go i am so hungry with all the training and its been a while since I ate your cooking dad." Ryuu pulled Sakumo into the house and Kakashi followed them.

After freshening up they had dinner and went to sleep. Sakumo after confirming both his kids are asleep quickly changed his gards to black and carried his short sword and left home.


In the not-so-populated area of Konoha there is a dull building with no lamps to illuminate in the night. It is a faded red colour building which is extended to underground by 3 stories. The underground facility is connected through a brigde above a huge pit. Inside the building in one of the rooms, under the light of a small lamp, one could see a middle aged man reading documents , he is Danzo. He has been living inside this building form the day Root was established by him. Even though the building was silent it was not empty at all. There are lot of ninjas hiding in the dark. but no one dared to go into Danzo's Room.


Danzo got startled by the sound and shouted,"Who is it? Don't you know that you are not allowed in this room? Looks like I have been soft on you guys."

He got his response from the dark corner of the room, "Nice setup you got here, no wonder you don't go out of this building much, surrounded by many shinobi that only listens to you, you find solace in this damp place. How the mighty have fallen."

"Who are you? Kai,Goro,Hiko and everyone come out and capture this person." Danzo shouted again, but got no response.

"Shout how much ever you want, but nobody would come." The person in dark corner said calmly.

"What do you mean? I have 250 elite shinobi placed in this building on every corner what have you done? Come out and speak what do you want? who are you?" Danzo demanded with fear evident on his face. 'Even though I have that trump card it is not the time yet to use it. If I got no other choice i will use it without hesitation.', he mused.

"Well you got lot of questions today don't you? It's night time so I have put them to sleep, so that we can have a nice chat, so what do you think about my arrangement, Danzo-sa~ma~" A playful voice was heard from the dark corner as the person revealed himself.

"Sakumo....." Danzo was surprised seeing Sakumo here and quickly gained his composure and said,"What are you doing here Sakumo? Are you trying to Rebel? Attacking your fellow village shinobi is a crime punishable by death."

"Oh, so you do know the punishment, let me give it to you then..."Sakumo vanished from his spot and now behind Danzo with a sword on his neck, "So what do you think should happen now?"

"Sakumo, let's talk about it. I know that we can get to a proper understanding as a civilized shinobi." Danzo said while sweating.

"Oh, so now you want to speak like a civilized shinobi... sending chunin class shinobi and attacking a kid, did not seem like a civilized move." Sakumo sneered.

"Tell me what you want Sakumo." Danzo said seriously understanding that Sakumo doesn't want to kill him,, because he know that, if Sakumo want him dead he would've been dead already.

"My kids are OFFLIMITS!! Is that understood?" Sakumo said Pressing the sword to Danzo's throat.

"Yes,Yes!! We have a deal!! They are offlimits!!" Danzo said hastily.

After hearing Danzo, Sakumo left the place without a sound.

'That man is dangerous. ' Danzo said as he rubbed his throat which is wet with slight blood.