Currently, Atilio, aged 43, lived in Emériclas, in southern Brazil. Far from the shattered past and disturbed by dreams, visions and temporal paradoxes. First Reinaldo invaded his dream, then Nubky. But that was before he understood how things worked. When he was discharged from the hospital, he decided to dramatically change his life and study the paranormal, psychoanalysis and all areas that covered knowledge to understand what it all meant. He tried to resume his normal life as best he could and the dreams and visions stopped. But one day at work he heard that his mother had died in his sleep. The nurse who cared for her said she had a smile on her lips and her arms crossed over her lap and her picture in her hands. Atílio took a long time to overcome his mother's death. It was the most difficult moment of his life. If it weren't for Brother Nelson who stayed with him for a few days, it would have been even worse. He lost his job. He lay there, lying on the sofa in the living room, watching movies and series. I didn't bathe, I didn't change clothes. He went outside to get the newspaper and change the water and feed his cat Darth. He was an all-black cat, with bright yellow eyes and who kept him company when he felt depressed. Those were difficult times. But things got better when the brother invited him to work in Emériclas. Got him a job there, at an insurance company. Even though he was very reluctant to accept, he ended up giving in.

With a new life, a new job, a new city, Atílio had time to resume his studies on the strange phenomena that started to happen to him after the accident and were interrupted with his mother's death.

After what happened in the case of transmigration, in which his spirit occupied the body of the doe and his body in turn was a receptacle for Reinaldo's spirit, he continued to see that clock on the hospital wall turning back its hands and everything repeating itself, from most creative and absurd ways possible. Until the day when a doe appeared in the place of the doe, a huge man in thick Eskimo clothes and a bearded beard. With no time to brake, as he was coming fast, he tried to deflect, but without being able to deflect completely, hitting the man, who was immobile and unshaken. Without suffering a single scratch. The car overturned and Atílio, badly injured, was pulled out of the car by the infallible figure. He lifted it with one arm and said emphatically:

- Control your thoughts, man. You have the power to stop this. Think. Why is this happening to you? It is not a curse. Its a blessing.

Only now, even resuming research, hiding inside libraries, surrounded by stacks of encyclopedias and books on various subjects. Nothing could explain the range of these paranormal phenomena happening to him at the same time. Nubky seemed to come from the future with that promise, that certainty that he would have to concentrate and have the intelligence and the patience to be able to understand what he was capable of. Just as he pierced the barrier that separates present and future and was able to send the request for help to Reinaldo in that office. But the torturous sequences of repetitions of his death, each time with more weird details, as if a playful God used him as a hobby to keep laughing at his face, never happened again. Whether it was because of Nubky's advice or not he didn't know. That he didn't even know he was called Nubky. I just called him "The Barbarian", which was what he looked like.

He lived in peace, now in the present. In your empty and miserable little life. In peace. Until on a sunny morning while admiring the view sitting on the balcony, a halo of blinding light appeared in front of him and revealed two figures he already knew (Nubky and Reinaldo) and another that he did not. He was a tall man, wearing a hat and overcoat, with pointed mustaches; Andrey. And a fourth member with a hidden head obscured by a halo of light, like the sun itself. The four, walking faster and faster and with the grandeur of those who lead a battalion for war, shouted in unison:

- Come on. The war is about to start. We need to be together.

And the image reflected as in a dream, melted as if by fire and shattered.