We went up the path, Me and Lígia, which gave access to the box office of the glorious Acropolis. Many couples without children, like us, some with children and also large families. Everyone was delighted as they climbed the road that led to the upper city. We surrendered to the charms of that place before we even saw the majestic Parthenon crown. We walked the long way. The climb was exhausting, but it was worth it. The stone slabs that covered the floor made the pilgrimage even more difficult, but the relief for the calluses was the unparalleled beauty of that setting. The sun bathed the tops of the trees in a shining gold, which was as if the crown of Zeus, from the heavens, reflected that light back, to bless the mere mortals. What a pleasure the eyes gave us all those trees around us. And the closer we got to the entrance, the more passionate we became, to the point of looking at each other and laughing like two silly and in love lovers.