Chapter 58: Within the City

My little personal valet boy was quick to bite hard on the bait I hung so close to him.

He gave the all clear and let me through the city, allowing me a beautiful view of the interesting stone buildings ahead and the strange glass architecture of the place as well.

First thing I see as I enter is a fountain, spouting water out of the strange looking glass figures of some avian creature. It's beautiful.

The fountain acts as a roundabout for carriages coming in and going out through the other gate several meters away from the one, I'm at now. The fountain isn't all that catches my eye on my first walk around though.

In true commercial fashion, there are stores and homes lined up right in front of the wall and close to the roundabout.

Bursting through the wide roads of the place I am immediately hounded by persistent, grinning salesmen who only have their lives to lose if their barking tactics fail to work.