The rain poured hard and heavy over our heads. The sudden cloudy skies were followed by an equally sudden downpour.
Sudden because since I've been in this world, in this body, I've never experienced rainfall.
Kaylin jumped out of the carriage immediately, saying something about her Goddess bringing fortune and bounty, leaving Anselm and I to struggle against the pot hole that'd trapped one of our wheels.
I find the rain to be a cliché but an apt full stop, marking the end…for now, of my struggles in Carbina. And perhaps, like the pothole Anselm and I now struggle to pull ourselves out of, it marks the beginning of a new type of misfortune.
It's a stretch for symbolism, but it's there.
It's the first rain of the year and my life in this world and it's the first time I've willed myself to actively look for trouble instead of simply stumbling into it or finding convenient ways to take advantage of others.