Chapter 93: Spol (P3)

I found the Inn just as easily as I found the tavern. Ferio was right, it was hard to miss.

Unlike any other inn or building I'd seen in this world, this one brilliantly utilized visual advertising. The Inn has this large wooden banner of sorts, a sculpture of a bowl with food and a bed. 

The sculpture, placed at the top of the building is lit up by what I'm sure cost quite a bit to purchase. I've only seen these lights in Aste, to see them here, in a village like this would mean this world isn't entirely medieval.

Technology is widely used and accepted it seems. And the innovative ways they're applied excite me too.

But other than appreciating the style and effort of the advertising, I don't care much for the Inn. The night bill is ridiculous but I pay it anyway, Anselm and I are only stopping for tonight, we'll be out and about by tomorrow.