Chapter 111: A Deity's Plaything.

"Go ahead…ask."

The words sing like music to my ears. My heart flutters happily as Lotar utters just the right set of words I've been dying to hear; access granted to pursue the depthless truth that I seek.


"How exactly did I meet Phien and Ferth? I don't even know who Ferth is, haven't heard of him either."

Ferth is a name first spoke by the very wolf lounging underneath the tree. Lotar shrugs, now taken to peeling what looks like a tangerine in its restless hands.

"I told you, Ferth is the twin of Anera herself, not my fault you don't know anything about him." It drawls.

Resisting the urge to bite back I repeat myself, "Right, of course, but who is he? And how did I meet him?"

Taking a huge bite into the fruit the Wolf chews without care and disgustingly talks as well, "How else would you meet a God of Death? You died."

Wait. I've only ever died…once. Yes, Lotar is certainly talking about my past life.