I'm more than a bit cautious to delve into the Astral Planes while in motion. I also know I should trust Anselm and his word; he said he'll be back, so he will. He's not the type to go back on his word.
I shouldn't worry. I shouldn't be in a hurry. I shouldn't be too concerned.
But I am.
He's come in contact with a Goddess. Not some knock-off deity like Lotar, no, a genuine Goddess. One even Lotar is cautious of.
If Lotar has a reason to be cautious of Frozia, then I obviously do too. I'm not sure what the giant snowflake of a Goddess will do to Anselm but at the same time I can't be sure of anything she wouldn't do.
Most concerning was his look, the way he was dress. All white, and frighteningly with a face made out of light.
If that isn't a red fucking flag, I don't know what is.