Chapter 158: Prep For War; Demme (P4)

  Despite everyone's jittery nerves about the night creatures, we ended up making our way into what Piol says is the relatively safe boundary of the village.

I suppose they've had a lot of time to consider all these things; safe zones, routines, signing up. It's very organized from what I can tell.

With the receded sun I fear I won't be able to make out the village, but Demme illuminates itself almost as soon as we step within the safe zone. 

Several feet ahead, past the rather strewn attempts at starting up farming land on the safe zone, the wooden-cobbles tall and broken walls of Demme a set alit with pyres of flame that cast an orange light far into the distance.

"Another precaution." Piol says, explaining the need for pyres of fire on their walls, "Many of these monsters are afraid of fire, it's very effective too, especially against the Werebears with their furs."