Chapter 171: Prep For War; Feeling (P2)

While my hunch was simply that, a hunch, it seemed the forest and the monsters within it planned to comply with my gut feeling.

All except for one…or two, or are they three. Looking at them I can't be sure what exactly they are. 

Late into the night, a few sleepy hours after I retreated into the tent to have a well-deserved nap while the men patrolled and kept watch in shifts. A man blew on the alert, waking up several of his brethren and Juri himself to decipher what exactly approached our camp.

In the end, with the creature's approach and strangely docile behaviour, it was decided that I would be needed to handle the thing.

I summoned Anselm, a thing I haven't needed to do anew since I picked him up at Frozia and listened to Juri's report on the towering creature in front of me.