
Hastra giggles, a high pitched, excited sound you can't really hate when you hear it. I'm getting used to hearing it now, this being the second morning my ears have rang with it."

Aren stands beside me, his hands stuffed under his armpits just for that extra warmth as he watches Hastra play.

He sighs, sniffling he asks, "What do you think this means?" He's nervous, a lot of people are.

Hell, even I am pretty nervous.

Before our very eyes everything we used to know was changing and there's plainly nothing we can do about it.

The sudden change has caused mother to ramp up her plans, she'll be leaving at first light tomorrow, that is of course, if the sun can shine through the soft yet heavy haze of this cold.

Again, Hastra giggles, she packs some of it in her hands and brings it over with a grin wide spread across her face, "Don't worry, it's a little cold but its harmless!"