As we marched out into the cold outskirts of the city with our feet buried in snow we found that the cultists had been using the carcasses of the Dead soldiers men women Traders merchants tailors of the city as stock for the minions.
The sight frighten me. The site of the cultists using the correct uses of these people some that I even recognised because I had a hand in killing them. It frightened me so because it looked like necromancy, it had the feel and vibe of necromancy.
But that cannot be so, it doesn't take long for my fright and fear to leave me, the thought of there being an other necromancer is a frightening one. How advanced would they be? What would be their purpose?
I put all that aside when I realise that what I was observing was no different from what the cultists had always done they have always manipulated people's bodies and Souls to their benefit. To be used as vessels for their minions their Gamma Warriors, their beta Warriors.