It's been an amusing time.
In fact, it's been so good that I am essentially the Marquess myself. I've wound her my finger so tightly that if I told her the only way to save her skin and win this war was to hand over her ride to oversee the battle herself…she would.
She would because she can't bear the thought of losing the faith of her family and falling to the levels of disgrace that I have. But she doesn't see that she's lost everything to me already, a man she once held prisoner.
As it goes I've yet to truly punish her for the act but that time will come, after we win. She sits with a pleasant smile graced on her lips, cushioned by silk and silvery pillows stuffed with the softest feathers.
It's all over her face, the pride of premature success. Her hands calmly keep busy knitting a sweater, the swats of chill, breezy air that have come from the Aste's direction tell of a coming winter.