The Cicatrix of Death!

In the highlands of Tai Mountains resides the Jin Sect, which is also famous for being the most powerful sect amongst every other sect. Mount Tai is associated with Sunrise, Birth and Renewal of a being. Ever since the Jin sect made it their home, it has been regarded as the most peaceful and prosperous place.

A man with long white hair in his white robes could be seen walking down Mount Tai. The man who once held the noble title of the Water God stood on the edge of the cliff. He reminisced his old days while at the same time he yearned for the opportunity to cross that boundary between the land and the water.

The breeze caressed his wide shoulders softly while his long white hair strands got entangled with each other. His pale face was still, devoid of any expression but on a closer look into his ocean blue eyes, one can sense the sorrow he went through on a daily basis.

800 years ago a Water Demon attacked the great city of Jin which lay under the ocean. The demon threatened to kill every single creature in the ocean and wipe them out of their existence from the deep ocean when Fu Shui Jin, the great water God, decided to fight with the Water demon, Suimu.

Unbeknownst to Shui Jin, Suimu(The water demon) had a special gift of immortality which is why the Demon, Shuimu, could easily overpower the Water God in the Great battle of the seas. The only way left to kill Immortal Water Demon was to use a forbidden spell that could potentially threaten the life of Shui Jin.

Despite the implications, he used it to save the aquatic beings and restore peace in his city. But in doing so he lost the entire city of Jin. Not only that he lost his Godhood and descended to the realm of mortals as an immortal cultivator, he was also left with a horrible scar on his face which extended from over his eyebrows to the edge of the nose on the right side of his face.

That scar was a remnant of the curse and served as reminder of the consequences that arose from using forbidden spells by the Gods. Even a quick gaze onto the scar by a Mortal was enough to cause their death. That scar thus became infamous the name - "The cicatrix of death"

The only way to lift that scar and to put an end to his cursed life was to find his bride. But for all these years he never once found the fire spirit who was destined to be his bride. His hope of ever finding her started weaning. He was almost certain that he will never be able to live a normal life where he can take off his mask in front of common people and they survive despite that.

Thinking of all this, he was gazing at the wide great ocean where once his entire sect used to live. The remorse of losing his city of water used to trouble him daily but the bigger pain came from his fatal scar.


Being a player, An Ying Yue woke up early in the morning even before the sun could rise properly . She felt a little pain in her head but she ignored that and looked around. The servants in her room were fast asleep so she grabbed the opportunity and ran from there.

She stood up carefully, as to not make any noise and then left the chamber. "Run Yue, as fast as you could if you wanna escape this place. Everyone must be waiting for me." Is all Yue could think while running.

She saw two guards standing straight at the end of the corridor which made her stop. "Now what?" Murmured Ying Yue and looked around. She chose the path on the left side because she hoped she would reach somewhere.

As she was running, she realised the path she chose was longer than what she expected. She kept running for 10 minutes through that way, turning left and right in the hopes of going out of somewhere, but it dawned upon her there was no way to escape this place.

"Why is this place so confusing? What's actually happening?" Murmured Ying Yue confusedly, putting her palm on the forehead. She went straight and kept walking till she found quite a large open ground. Since it was early in the morning, hardly any guard was nearby.

She went down the stairs and found a horse stable there. Her eyes glistened seeing the horses. "I know what I've to do now," murmuring this Ying Yue, went inside the stable carefully. She was surprised to see the horses of such a quality breed there.

Caressing a white horse, she said, "please be good with me. I have to get out of this place without anyone's notice." She quickly climbed on the horse and hit on it lightly. The horse started running. Ying Yue observed her surroundings which were completely new to her as if she'd reached heaven.

Once she was out of the huge palace, she increased their speed. She didn't know where she was headed to but the clear path made her know she'll reach somewhere and people will recognise her.

After a while the horse stopped, and wasn't ready to move from its place. "What happened to you? Just go or else I'll be stuck up here," muttered Ying Yue but the horse didn't budge at all. She got annoyed and jumped down the horse.

"Well, I'm quite far now. So, I don't think they'll be able to find me. But I still wonder how I was able to reach here? Agh….I should think about this later, first I've to find the main road so that people would notice me," thought Ying Yue and walked away from there.

She kept walking through the defined path when she noticed something was behind the far bushes. She got scared and started running on the narrow path. The path was getting narrower as if it will end soon.

"That's why that horse stopped going further. Wait, am I going to the right path?" Murmured Ying Yue; turned when her foot got hit by a stone which made lose her balance and she fell to her left, downhill.

She screamed as loud as she could as she was rolling down the hill.

Fu Shui Jin, who was standing at the edge of the cliff, staring at the vast ocean got disturbed by the scream. He turned back and walked ahead to know the source of screaming.

The downhill wasn't that steep and Ying Yue's body wasn't that hurt when she found she fell on the flat ground. Immediately she got up and checked herself. Her skin got cuts at the various places. She looked at her foot which was bleeding. Getting up she annoyingly said, "I hate this place."

She walked gradually ahead when she saw a man with long white hair and white robes walking towards her direction. For a moment, she was mesmerized with his appearance. Jerking off her shoulders, without thinking about her injuries she ran to him.

"Why is his face covered? What's wrong with the people here? Why is his hair white? Is he some kind of Angel? Am I dead? Why is he wearing a mask? " These several questions were coming in Ying Yue's mind when she decided to remove the mask of the white haired guy.

On the other hand, Fu Shui Jin was confused seeing the injured woman running towards him. He kept walking towards her until he was centimeters away.

Ying Yue forwarded her hand which startled him but he didn't stop, instead kept walking when Ying Yue grabbed the mask which was on his right face. Before he could actually react the mask was removed. His eyes met the eyes of the woman in front of him, that is, Ying Yue.