Bring her to the Jin Palace!

Ying Yue was in shock the moment she heard Young Lord Fu's (Shui Jin) confession. Bao Li was saying something to her but her attention was somewhere else. Therefore she ran outside to follow Young Lord Fu.

"Miss, Yue," Bao Li called her name and ran after Ying Yue to stop her. Shui Jin couldn't be found anywhere in the corridor but she did see the same woman who was claiming to be her mother, Dongmei (Lady Huo). She stopped the moment she saw her as she was well aware that she was stuck in this era.

Seeing Ying Yue in the corridor, Lady Huo fastened her steps towards her. "Daughter, why are you here? You just woke up. Lord Fu has asked you to take adequate rest," said Lady Huo in a soft tone and put her hand on Ying Yue's head. The motherly touch calmed down Ying Yue.

Bao Li went near them and bowed before Dongmei. Lady Huo accepted her greetings and then took Ying Yue inside her chamber. She made Ying Yue sit on the bed and then she sat beside her.

Ying Yue was still in shock since she was in a different era where everything was different. Even if she could handle everything, she doesn't know how she will prevent her marriage to a completely strange man.

"Yue, what happened? Why aren't you not answering?" Lady Huo asked with worry, caressing her daughter's head in a gentle way.

"What do I need to answer?" Ying Yue asked.

"Miss, what happened to your way of talking? You aren't using any honorifics," said Bao Li. Ying Yue glared at her.

"Don't say anything to her," said Lady Huo sternly to Bao Li.

"Apologies, Lady Huo." Bao Li apologized, bowing her head slightly.

"Yue, you are lucky to be healed by Young Lord Fu. Your inner energy cycle has returned back to normal, thanks to his healing techniques. Young Lord Fu has negotiated with your father regarding your marriage. Since you are of marriageable age, we agreed on this too. According to us Lord Fu is suitable for you." Dongmei asserted with a gentle smile on her lips.

"But, I don't want to marry him. I don't even know him." Ying Yue answered her in a low voice.

"You can get to know each other after your marriage," said Dongmei, still caressing Yue's head. Ying Yue looked at her in disbelief. She fell in deep thoughts.

"What kind of strange people are they? Making me marry to that white haired guy? No, I can't marry him. I'm just 19. I don't know how I will run away from this strange place. But even if I run away, I don't think I'll be able to survive out there.

What should I do? I read in history that in old times, girls were married at a younger age and they are doing the same thing with me. I have to talk with white haired man and tell him clearly that I won't marry him." She was in her deep thoughts when Dongmei shook Ying Yue.

"What are you thinking, Yue? Don't stress your mind so much," said Dongmei politely.

"Mom- I mean mother, I want to talk with that white haired," said Ying Yue.

"Yue, why are you talking in such a weird manner? He is not some white haired man. He is Young Lord Fu," answered Lady Huo.

"Okay. So, where is this Fu?" Ying Yue asked. Bao Li looked at Dongmei who was looking at Ying Yue with worry. "Young Lord Fu is having an important conversation with your father and brother. Come, I'll take you there," stated Lady Huo and got up from the bed along with Ying Yue.


In the chamber of Fire Lord, Mofeng Huo, Fu Shui Jin was having a conversation with Fire Lord and his son, Daisung. "We will surely send her to the Jin palace," stated Mofeng.

"Pardon me, father but don't you think we are sending Ying Yue so early?" Daisung opined.

"Fire Lord, can I answer this query of Young Huo?" Shui Jin inquired.

"Sure, young Lord Fu." Mofeng permitted Shui Jin.

"Young Huo, as I explained to you that Miss Yue's Qi is nil and she has no strength of her own. It might seem as if I'm forcing you all but I'm not. I'm thinking about Miss Yue's betterment only. That is why I am suggesting this kind of training for Miss Yue. As for my proposals, I want to marry your daughter which is why I mentioned it as well," said Shui Jin.

"Daisung, don't doubt young Lord Fu. He's concerns are in favor of Yue. You also know how sick she used to be ever since she was a little kid. No one could ever treat her the way Young Lord Fu did today. She will be nothing but safe under his protection," stated Mofeng.

Shui Jin got up from his seat and then said, "Fire Lord, the day is almost over. I must take my leave now. Please convey this message to Miss Yue about her transfer to Jin palace tomorrow. I will wait patiently for Miss Yue."

"Why tomorrow? Tomorrow seems a bit too early, don't you think?" Mofeng asked.

"Indeed it is. It's like I wanted her to check out the things for herself so that she won't feel uncomfortable there when she will marry me. Moreover, my father would love to meet you, Fire lord," said Shui Jin.

"I understand, Young Lord Fu. I assure you that we will be there with our daughter tomorrow. I am grateful to you because you saved my daughter's life." Mofeng expressed his gratitude.

"You don't need to be, Fire Lord. It was my duty," stated Shui Jin. "Now, I must leave," said Shui Jin after which Mofeng offered to see him off till the front door. Shui Jin nodded and they left the chamber.

Ying Yue arrived there with Dongmei but no one was present there. They waited for them to come back there when Mofeng and Daisung entered inside the chamber. Upon seeing them, Ying Yue got up from her seat and enquired about Shui Jin.

"Young Lord Fu has gone," informed Dongmei.

"Are you feeling good now, Yue?" Mofeng asked, looking at Ying Yue.

"Yes. But why did he leave?" Ying Yue asked.

"Don't worry, Yue. You will get to meet him tomorrow as well. We have to go to his palace," stated Daisung.

"Yue, you should take some rest. Don't stress your body too much," advised Mofeng. Ying Yue nodded and turned to Dongmei.

"Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow morning. I'll be taking a good rest," said Ying Yue with a smile and left with Bao Li.

"Her behaviour has changed a lot," said Dongmei worriedly.

"Indeed. But we are happy that nothing bad happened to her. Young Lord Fu found her on time and treated her otherwise it' is impossible to meet the people from Jin Sect, let alone Young Lord Fu," stated Mofeng. Daisung listened to the entire conversation, but decided not to speak.


Ying Yue laid down on the bed. Her one leg was over the other and she was eating the grapes.

"Miss, what kind of bizarre position is this? Please be seated like a lady. If someone comes and sees you like this then you will be considered mannerless," murmured Bao Li who was standing on Yue's left.

"You can call me Ying Yue or An Yue. Don't talk with me so formally," said Yue.

"Miss, I can not do that," said Bao Li softly.

"These historical people!" Thought Ying Yue while eating the grapes. She then sat on the bed and said, "I don't want to marry that white haired man."

Bao Li looked at her in a shock. "Miss, you shouldn't call Young Lord Fu a white haired man. In here, no one will say anything to you but outside you can get in trouble for disrespecting him. One more thing you are not allowed to refuse your marriage to Young Lord Fu as you are his chosen bride. You should feel lucky that you will get to marry, Young Lord Fu," stated Bao Li.

"I don't care what people will think of me. I don't care how lucky I am supposed to feel, I simply just don't want to marry him," muttered Ying Yue and turned her gaze to her portrait.