Go to Taiyi cultivation Academy!

Ying Yue was feeling better after Shui Jin refused to marry her. She was extremely delighted because finally her marriage was called off. She kept giggling, thinking everything that Shui Jin said when Shui Jin interrupted her.

"Miss Yue, is everything alright? You seem excited", Shui Jin asked.

"Because we are not getting married. I am happy that you refused this marriage," said Ying Yue and again giggled. Shui Jin observed her for a few minutes and then said, "Miss Yue, you've to leave your house."

The smile on Ying Yue's face disappeared. She blinked her eyes before asking him. "What do you mean that I have to leave my house?" Ying Yue inquired.

"Miss Yue, to learn cultivation you have to join the academy which specifically trains a cultivator in this art. You must learn to focus on yourself. You have to know your inner self and for that you will have to use your inner energy. There are various forms of energy on which you have to take control. It will be hard for you beginning but based on your determination, I am assured you will be able to master it in due time." Shui Jin briefed Ying Yue.

"Umm. No issue," said Ying Yue.

"Issue?" Shui Jin murmured.

"I mean no problem. I can stay outside the home. I am already trained in this. I will be the top student of that cultivation academy," muttered Ying Yue confidently.

"Miss Yue, it is not that easy. You are very new to this, but you will learn about this eventually. Since we have come to an agreement, I will talk to Fire Lord about this. You lack in many things but I will talk with Taiyi academy to make a place for you in the new disciples category." Shui Jin stated.

Ying Yue nodded. "How long do I have to stay there?" Ying Yue asked.

"Miss Yue, it depends on you how much you practice and how fast you are able to grasp the things. Cultivation is all about practice. The harder you will practice, the more you will get closer to being a true cultivator.

In the beginning it will be tough for you, you might feel like quitting but do not worry when you will not get the things. Do not cry for the things instead work hard for that." Shui Jin further explained to her.

Ying Yue folded her one knee and brought it closer to her body. She put her elbow over it and then put the hand under her chin. "Miss Yue, you cannot sit like that. It is inappropriate," stated Shui Jin.

"Inappropriate? Fufu, it's a comfortable pose for me. You can continue your lecture on me, I can't sit like that for long" said Ying Yue with a smile.

"F- Fu Fu?" Shui Jin stumbled and stared at her with a bit wider ocean blue eyes. A light pink blush appeared on his ears and his cheeks which Ying Yue happened to notice.

"You are blushing Fufu," teased Ying Yue with a broad smile.

Shui Jin blinked and then touched his cheeks. "I am not. Do not call me that. You shall refer to me young Lord Fu like everyone else," said Shui Jin and averted his gaze from Ying Yue.

Ying Yue started teasing him. "No, I will not call you young Lord Fu. Fufu is good. You are a good guy, Fufu. You don't need to be so formal with me. You can call me An Yue or Yue or whatever nickname you want to give me," stated Ying Yue.

"Nickname?" Shui Jin mumbled.

"Umm...It's like a name for someone whom you know. You usually call him/her using that short name," said Ying Yue.

"But you said you do not know me at all, Miss Yue," said Shui Jin and put some water in the porcelain cup.

"Now, I know." Ying Yue asserted and got up from the mattress. "Can I go out?" Ying Yue asked for the permission, pointing her finger towards the door.

Shui Jin nodded and told her that she shouldn't go far away. Ying Yue nodded and ran outside. Shui Jin had a slight smile on his lips.

He drank the water and then got up from the mattress. He went towards the left side of his chamber. There was a shelf on which several books were placed. He picked one of the books in cultivation and reminisced about the day when he started cultivation.

Ying Yue was standing near the pond. "It feels like I'm in heaven. Never in my life I saw swans. I heard their tears can make pearls," murmured Ying Yue. She touched a lotus flower and giggled.

She started playing in the water. Putting her sleeves up she put her hand under water. "Ahh, it's so nice. I am missing my swimming pool. When will I go back?" Ying Yue thought when Shui Jin came there.

"Miss Yue, do not put your hand in the water for long. You might get cold." Shui Jin said with a concern. Ying Yue took her hand out and then looked at Shui Jin who was standing on her left.

"Miss Yue, why are you sitting on the ground? Your clothes are getting dirty. Please get up," Shui Jin said, looking at her clothes which were covered in the mud which was near the pond.

Ying Yue looked at Young Lord Fu and then got up from the ground. "You nag like an old man." Ying Yue said and slightly laughed seeing Shui Jin's expressions.

Shui Jin forwarded his hand. "Miss Yue, this book will help you a lot in your training," stated Shui Jin, forwarding the book to her. Ying Yue looked at the book.

"Take it," said Shui Jin.

"Uh- hmm." Ying Yue forwarded her hand and then took the book from Shui Jin. "Isn't it too much? I have never studied much," Ying Yue murmured.

"The things are written in a very simple way compared to the other books you'll get from the library in that academy," stated Shui Jin.

"I don't think I need to read the entire book," said Ying Yue and looked at Shui Jin.

"Miss Yue, you must read this entire book. Do not leave even a single page of this book," muttered Shui Jin. Ying Yue laughed hearing him. "Okay, I will," said Ying Yue, controlling her laughs.

"He is kinda innocent. I don't know why he is helping me. He agreed so easily to not marry me." Ying Yue thought. She turned her eyes to him and then asked, "should we go then? They must be waiting for us."

Shui Jin nodded. Ying Yue stepped ahead but then she stopped and turned back to look at Shui Jin. "Fufu, why do you live here all alone?" Ying Yue asked. Shui Jin didn't expect such a question from Ying Yue.

No one has ever asked such a question from him apart from his family and Ying Yue was the first one to do that.

Seeing the uncomfortable face of Shui Jin, Ying Yue said, "It is fine. You do not need to say. Let's go down then," and started walking. Shui Jin recalled his past when he started cultivation but then because of his stubbornness he lost something precious.

"Fufu," called Ying Yue from a few meters away, which brought out Young Lord Fu from his thoughts and he followed Ying Yue.