The 3 subjects

First of all extremely sorry for this late update. Here the chapter starts. Please do votes on the story.


Ying Yue entered the region of the academy where all the disciples resided. The wooden houses were built in such a manner that there was a large pond in between each of those houses. The disciples were looking at Yue which made her somewhat conscious due to which she leaned a bit closer to Qiu Si's ear, "Why are they staring at me? Is there something on my face or am I just too beautiful?" asked Ying Yue.

Qiu Si turned her eyes to look at Ying Yue and said, "Miss Yue, you are the princess from Huo Sect which made them curious. There is no such thing related to beauty that is given any kind of importance here." Ying Yue felt somewhat a bit offended after hearing this and she quickened her pace. Qiu Si noticed that before she caught up with her.

"Miss Yue, your quarter is at the northern side. Usually 4 disciples share a quarter," said Qiu Si softly when Ying Yue stopped walking. "I want a single room, separate from everyone else," asserted Ying Yue.

"Miss Yue, this we cannot allow. You are a new disciple here so you have to share your quarter with other disciples. As your training progresses, depending on your improvement the living arrangements can be negotiated later on," stated Qiu Si.

Ying Yue became a bit sad after hearing this. "Means I have to live with 3 other disciples. Ahh, why is it happening? Wait, I have observed Fufu is quite famous among these disciples. I will use his name and try taking a separate room for myself," thought Ying Yue and then wearing a tiny smile on her lips looked at Qiu Si.

"I am related to Young Lord Fu, so you should arrange a separate room for me," said Ying Yue.

"Miss Yue, I am sorry but I have no idea what you are trying to imply?" Qiu Si muttered. Ying Yue looked at her with a flat face and thought, "I am not sure that such a trick can persuade her. I should not do anything which will make things further difficult for me." She then smiled and said, "Nothing.I did not say anything. Please show me the quarter." Qiu Si nodded and then told her to follow her.

Ying Yue did so and they both reached the quarter where Ying Yue was supposed to live. On the door of the room a number was engraved. Ying Yue read that number- "185" and then turned to Qiu Si. "What does it mean?" Ying Yue inquired, pointing at the engraved number.

"It means it is 185th quarter of the academy," replied Qiu Si.

"How many quarters are there?" Ying Yue questioned.

"There are 500 quarters," answered Qiu Si. Ying Yue looked at her in surprise. "Nice, it seems like I am in a hotel- oops not a hotel but some ancient hotel," said Ying Yue.

"Miss Yue, I am sorry but I do not understand your words?" Qiu Si asked softly. "Nothing, Let's go inside then," said Ying Yue and pushed the door lightly. The smile on her lips disappeared when she saw the quarter which was a small room in Ying Yue's eyes.

"What is this?" murmured Ying Yue. She saw two bunk beds that were there on either side of the room. In the front there was a floor table around which four wooden stools were carved. There was one small window on which a green coloured curtain was hanging.

"Is this a quarter? It does not look like a quarter at all," murmured Ying Yue and turned to look at Qiu Si who had a tiny smile on her lips. "Miss Yue, it is indeed a small quarter for the disciples. From now on you will have to stay with them here. The three other disciples will return after their daily training schedule will be over," stated Qiu Si.

Ying Yue's eyes fell on the trunk case which was hers. "They already have chosen this room. Nice," thought Ying Yue. "So when will my training start?" Ying Yue asked.

"From tomorrow onwards you will have regular training sessions. Miss Yue, since you have seen your room then let's head towards the Divine Library of our academy," suggested Qiu Si.

Ying Yue nodded and they left for the library. As they were walking towards the divine library, Qiu Si kept on telling her about the rules and the other things that she would have to follow there. "What do you mean, sister? 300 rules? Even my school did not have that many rules," asserted Ying Yue and pulled up a face.

"Miss Yue, these rules are an important part of the training of the cultivator. They shape an individual that is suited the best for a cultivator. I know things will be difficult for you in the beginning but eventually it will be incorporated into your habits," asserted Qiu Si. Ying Yue nodded reluctantly while she kept following her. After they arrived near the Divine Library she saw the picturesque site of Mount Lunebase. The high snowy peaks of the mountain were glistening under the sunlight. Yue was mesmerized given that Qiu Si told her that the designated place for the divine library was chosen at a certain height because of some reason since it provides perfect ambience for proper concentration.

Ying Yue could not believe Lady Qiu Si words. "I think I will sleep while reading in such places. The view is perfect for a person like me to take a good rest," murmured Ying Yue.

"Pardon, Miss Yue. What are you talking about? Can you speak more loudly?" Qiu Si muttered.

Ying Yue shook her hands in refusal and said, "I was talking to myself. Indeed the place is good for studying." She chuckled. Qiu Si nodded before they were headed towards the library. Once they got in, Ying Yue was amazed to see such a big library. "Wonderful," exclaimed, Ying Yue at the divine library. There were hundreds of shelves in the library with thousands of books there.

The seating arrangements were also made for the disciples to study in the library which made Ying Yue realized just how much they needed to study to be a cultivator. "Miss Yue, the divine Librarian is called Ushi Liko but out of respect we all call them Master Liko. Master Liko is not here at this hour so I will give some basic books regarding the subjects you are going to learn here," said Qiu Si softly.

"How many subjects are there that I need to learn, sister?" Ying Yue questioned.

"Since you are new so you need to learn only 3 subjects: Basics of Cultivation and its History; Basics of Demonology and Basics of Herbalism (Herbal medicine)," Qiu Si answered.

"Only 3 subjects? Wow, even my first year of university had 6 subjects. Studies in the ancient times are so easy," thought Ying Yue. Qiu Si walked towards the first section of the divine library followed by Ying Yue. Qiu Si took ten books out from the corner shelf and handed them to Ying Yue. "Miss Yue, these are for now. Read them and have a basic idea about the subjects. Since one book is not sufficient that's why I have provided you with six reference books. You can come here anytime to get more books," stated Qiu Si.

"More books? Hahaha. You must be kidding. I think these books are more than sufficient for me, sister," said Ying Yue while laughing, looking at the books in her hand. "I think I am doomed," thought Ying Yue, looking at the books.

"Miss Yue, let's go back to your quarter," said Qiu Si gesturing towards the exit. Yue nodded and carried the books in her hand. As they were walking through the corridor, a disciple came in front of Lady Qiu. Bowing in front of her he said, "Lord Rui has asked for you, Lady Qiu."

"Tell Lord Rui, I will be coming after escorting Miss Yue to her quarter," said Qiu Si. The disciple slightly bowed his head before leaving from there. "Miss Yue, please hurry," said Qiu Si softly and left for the quarter 185th. After escorting Yue at her quarter, Qiu Si left the chamber.

Ying Yue threw the books on the table there and then stretched up her arms. "I think I have come to the wrong place. But if I have to travel back to my time, I need to learn this. For now I should set the bed for myself," murmured Ying Yue and put her hands on either side of her waist.

"I will take the bed on the left side," muttered Ying Ye and then opened the large trunk she brought from her house. She looked at the soft bed sheet before spreading it over the mattress. While she was getting the bed ready for herself, she saw a book on that mattress. She picked it and threw it to the other side of the room, without even bothering about where it actually landed.

She set up her things in the room and then lay down on the bed to rest when she found how hard that mattress was, so was that small pillow. "I will get cramps at this rate through my entire body," thought Ying Yue and tried taking a proper, comfortable lying position on the bed. She kept tossing and turning on the bed, but after a while she drifted off to sleep.