Creating a new cultivation method

While I was in the air and enjoying the nature that surrounded us.

Zong suddenly told the eagle to land.

After we were finally on the ground he began to say to me, "Now that you are going to follow me, I will tell you how are going to be our days.

As you know, we are wanderers, so we are going to travel all over the country and see some of the most extraordinary places. But traveling as much as a small drawback. Do you know which one? '

So I said to him "If I'm not mistaken, the money will be our problem."

He says "You are right, our problem will be money, as you surely know for cultivating you need resources but it is very expensive. So we're going to be a kind of mercenary. "

"We are going to become mercenaries." As I said this, I had stars in my eyes. I was already imagining the stories that would be counted on my adventures, but Zong quickly brought me back to reality.

"Before we embark on your first adventure, you will have to reach the first level of Qi condensation stage and know how to fight. After that, we will head to town to take on a mission and thus start your first adventure. "

I was a little disappointed that we couldn't start now but that was understandable. If we went with me who hadn't even started cultivating yet. It would only harm us, indeed I will be a burden and I could lose my life just because I was in a bit of a hurry. I'd rather preserve my life than die because of stupidly.

I asked him "So you are going to teach me how to refine my Qi?"

He nodded and said, "Yes unfortunately I don't have a cultivation method for you."

"You keep talking about these. What do they bring to cultivators? "

He said to me, "They determine the power of cultivators, indeed as you know every person who possesses Qi has an element attached to it. We can increase the number of Qi and its quality depending on the cultivation method you use. Take the example of someone who uses a mundane technique from their element. Compared to a person who does not have one, his Qi will be 3 times stronger and more numerous than this person. This is why sometimes geniuses appear and they can beat people above their cultivation level. "

I asked him, "Is it because of their cultivation method?"

"Yes it is thanks to that, there are levels in the cultivation methods but you are still too weak for me to talk about this. So the problem is your Qi. To hope to find techniques that match your Qi, you will have to join an evil sect. "

I was distraught by what he had just told me, as I force to join this type of sect to become more powerful?

I hastened to ask him if there was another way. "Is there no other way?"

He told me, "Unfortunately no, we can only cultivate a cultivation method that matches our Qi, it is a universal law that no one can dodge. But maybe I have an idea for you to get stronger. "

It kindled the flame in me and said "What is this method?"

"You will have to create a technique for yourself to cultivate your Qi."

I had to create my own technique. But how was I going to do it, I had no experience as a cultivator. Even if I managed to create a technique for the Qi condensation stage how I will do it for the next level, I will have to create the continuation of this method.

When I had simply lost hope, Zong said to me, "I may have an idea for this famous method, this idea came to my mind after seeing you use your power in the trial."

"You mean when I started to absorb the life force of other competitors?"

He says "That's exactly what I'm talking about, maybe you can become more powerful by absorbing blood or life energy from living things."

I was immediately against this idea, it was out of the question that I use human lives to become more powerful. Otherwise, I'll be just a demon under human-skin.

So I looked at him and said "I'm sorry but it's impossible for me to use human lives to become more powerful."

Suddenly Zong smiled at me and said, "This is where you went wrong. Who said you were going to use human lives, there are plenty of other living beings in our world. "

To illustrate his idea, he pointed the eagle next to us. Seeing this, the eagle could not help but move its head violently in all directions.

So I was seized with a huge laugh seeing the reaction of the eagle, after regaining my composure I said to him "The idea is therefore that I kill demonic beasts and absorb their blood to become more powerful."

He says "That's exactly it."

I say, "Isn't that dangerous, I could lose my life."

Zong walked over to me and gave me a huge pat on the back screaming, "Come on, don't be afraid! This is your only chance to become powerful if not you will either stay as a mortal or join an evil sect. What is your choice?. "

He was right, if I didn't do anything I was going to stay weak. So I slapped myself and then said "I'm ready, we start whenever you want."

He tells me "That's what I like."

He then extended his hand to me and we climbed onto the eagle to search for my prey.