I am not still a virgin like you..

At resurrection I will rise from death with the scar of your love, Your picture will be attached to my chest at that time.

O GOD, I got the memories of your deities.

My heart complains that rescue me from this grief. How should I narrate my condition? How should I amend this pain?

Rang was sitting in his usual office and was writing in his diary when Chen entered the office. He saw Rang deeply lost in his world, he came closer to him and tapped his shoulder and said,'' Why did you do this?''

Chen was looking serious. His usual playful expressions were changed with serious ones and his tone. Anyone familiar with him could have got shocked to see him like this.

Rang closed his diary quickly as he never allowed any to touch it. He turned his face towards Chen and said blankly,'' What did I do?''

'' You better know what did you do''. Chen stared at him.

'' Stop starring at me like that you are looking like an angry wife who caught her husband red-handed cheating her''. Rang tried to divert Chen.

'' Do you think all this is going to work on me, now come to the straight point and tell me that we made it clear before kidnapping her that no one will touch her or harm her. Then why did you do this?'' Chen was already boiling in anger.

'' So you called me to come here quickly just to scold me huh?'' Rang tried to act childish which in return made Chen angrier.

'' Rang, be yourself and think about what you have done? You touched her without her permission, you forced her. What if she does something wrong with herself, what about the long lectures that you used to give me to control my desires''. The playful Chen was today being the real Chen he was.

'' Look I just kissed her nothing more than that''. Rang made a poker face.

'' Okay what you have done is all wrong, now we have to bring everything to normal. Remember you told me that you like her, right, but you messed up everything. I think she is an innocent girl and she won't trust you anymore''. Chen was acting like an elder brother which in return Rang was nodding his head by acting like a little brother.

'' Do you know about girls this much that by just looking at them you can judge that they are innocent or not?''.

''Of course, I am still not a virgin like you, so I know pretty much about women's''. Chen exclaimed proudly but he was lying.

'' I'm pretty sure that you are still a virgin as you hate being close to girls and especially sluts''. Rang said but Chen just made a poker face.

Rang then said,'' I made her scared.. but when I was touching her my mind and my body lost its control. I tried to pull off but failed, as my whole body was longing for this touch. I tried my best not to hurt her but ended up hurting her lips''.

When Rang said the last words '' her lips'' something immediately popped in his mind.

''Oh, Fu*k, what have I done''. Rang cursed himself when he remembered that Yuri's lips were bleeding and because of Chen's call he left the room hurriedly.

Chen looked at him confusedly and said,'' What have you done now?''

Rang looked at him with pitiful expressions as he knew that the moment he will tell this to Chen, the very next moment he would be getting scolded from him.

'' Are you going to say something?''

Rang opened his mouth to speak,'' When you called me I left the room hurriedly and at that time...''. he paused and again said,'' Yuri's lips were bleeding''.

Chen looked at him shocked,'' What are you a monster? like seriously, Rang I want to kill you right now''. And with that Chen rushed out of the room and ran towards Yuri's room.

Rang stood there blankly and the realized that he had to follow Chen, he also rushed out of the room following Chen.

When they both reached the room where Yuri was kept, Chen pushed the door open and saw Yuri unconscious on the floor. When Rang left the room, Yuri cried her whole heart out, she didn't know what to do. She was so scared and also her body was dehydrated. When she tried to step down from the bed, she lost control and felled unconscious on the floor. Her vision became blurry to dark.

Rang saw Yuri on the floor lying unconscious. His heart skipped a beat. Chen picked her up from the floor and made her lay on the bed, and he looked at Rang who was standing like a statue unable to move from his position.

Chen gazed at him and said,'' Yah you, are you just going to stand there like a statue or call the doctor, hurry up!''.

Upon hearing what Chen said, Rang came back to his senses and called the doctor as his secretary Shin Wu wasn't around there.

Their private doctor came and checked Yuri. His facial expressions were serious which showed that something was wrong. After completing checking her up, the doctor came to his conclusion and said,'' Due to stress and dehydration, her vitals were dropping low and seems like her stomach was also empty that's why this all caused weakness and she lost her consciousness so I will give her a ''glucose drip''.

Rang quickly spoked,'' Be careful she has Drug allergy''.

Chen looked shockingly at him and murmured to himself that,'' When did he became so close to her that he even knew about her allergies. This punk never paid this much attention to me. Wait why am I saying such things? Am I jealous. No calm down Chen, calm down''.

Rang saw Chen murmuring something and he then smiled because he knew what was he thinking.

The doctor then said,'' Okay, I will give her some antibiotic first before giving her any other medicine''. The doctor was busy treating Yuri when he was done he said,'' The patient will wake up soon, take care of her carefully and don't let her get any stress again. Make sure she eats and drinks well, I will take my leave now''. The doctor left and Chen glanced at Rang who was staring at Yuri.

Chen cleared his throat and said,'' Take care of her well and try to win her heart by showing your good side, don't act like a devil in front of her, girls love it when they are pampered''.

Rang looked at him and then smiled mischievously and said,'' Were you a baby sitter in your past life''.

Chen gave him a death stare and said,'' Do you have a death wish''.

Rang looked at him and said,'' Hay you thief, that's my dialogue.. got it now leave the room''.

Before they both could continue there bickering they saw Yuri opening her eye's.