legendary King...


Yuri was still lost in her deep thoughts when someone tapped her shoulder hard and she came back to reality.

It was Soo Hyun. She came to pick her up so Yuri could join her in shopping but when she came inside the office, she found Yuri deeply lost in thoughts but she was crying and at the same time smiling. Soo Hyun noticed her facial expressions for some time and called her but Yuri was somewhere else lost. So she went closer to her and shrugged her to reality.

'' What happened? Where are you so lost and why are you crying and smiling as well?'' Soo Hyun was confused that what should she ask first?

Yuri suddenly came back to reality, she was so lost that even didn't know when her sister in law came inside. She didn't know how to respond,'' Nothing! when did you came?''

''I came when you were so lost now tell me why were you crying what's bothering you?'' Soo Hyun was so worried.

Yuri kept quiet for some time and then said,'' I was thinking nothing, just about grandma. Anyways why did you came here?'' 

''To pick you up because we are going for shopping so now you are free, come on let's go. You can also call Irene and Meili''.

Yuri was not in the mood to go anywhere. Right now her mind was full of questions and thoughts that were disturbing her so she tried to excuse her sister in law,'' Sister I think I can't join you today. You can go, I will join you some other day''.

Soo Hyun had already seen her how mentally disturbed she was so she didn't protest further and bid her goodbye.

Yuri called the driver to drop her home while going back home she remembered what Soo Hyun said earlier that she was crying and smiling as well. An unknown feeling started to develop in her heart.

'' What's happening with me? Why was I smiling while thinking about that monster who forced me? Why would I even think about him? But there is something related about him to me. How did he even know about me this much?''

So many thoughts were disturbing her. Yuri just closed her eyes and leaned back.

She thought,'' What's the true point behind Grandma and Rang both asking me to stay away from The Lu's?''


At 2:00 PM

'' Sir everyone is waiting in the meeting room for you''.

'' I hope you have prepared everything well for these hungry foxes''.

'' Yes sir everything is prepared well, the game will surely be in our hands''.

In return that man only smirked.

He was wearing a black professional suit, his hairs were combed perfectly, his bright eyes were shining yet his face had the usual cold expression.

All the CEO's of different companies were inside the meeting room and were chatting and complaining about the schedule of the meeting but when they saw the devil entering the meeting room they all lowered there heads and sealed their lips.

'' I am sorry, I am a little late''. He spared a little glance over the whole meeting room.

'' No sir, it's not a big deal. Please come have a seat''. The assistants' were too afraid of his anger.

No one dared to speak a word further as the devil settled on his respected seat and his assistant next to him. Who would even dare to speak in front of him? Well anybody tired of his living.

Twenty-five years old Lee Rang, the owner and mighty CEO of legendry Canon Corporations, who was also known as Mr. Devil, was feared by everyone. Everyone called him the devil not because he was arrogant and cold but also he had his claws in every business field.

Despite being only twenty-five, still, he managed to take his family's business empire to the country top most companies. Everyone wanted to get a chance to work with him because it would bring them luck, but they need to satisfy the CEO first.

After taking over his grandfathers business four years ago, Lee Rang expanded and increased the companies resources by entering every possible business field. From jewelry to management and also showbiz, along with health, there was nothing Lee Rang wasn't into. He was the Legendary king of his vast empire, whom no one dared to provoke.

'' Sir should we start the meeting as everyone is present here now?''

Lee Rang nodded his head and the meeting session started. Many CEO's of big companies were present to get a chance to work with him but this wasn't easy as he wasn't the man who would go easy on anyone.

Mr. Lie Jie, the former CEO of ''Blue Rays'' started the meeting. The Blue Rays along with the Canon Corporations were starting a huge project of the health care industry, in which new hospitals would be built on 500 acres land. The location of the land was in the main city which was a very posh area. The estimated period for the completion of the projects was 5 years. It was a project worth than 900 billion. It was a huge project which needed huge investors.

Kim Sung Hoo and his assistant and Lu Yang along with his assistant were also present in this meeting. Rang had already noticed them.

After seeing the presentations and proposals of different companies, Mr. Lie Jie and Rang decided something and concluded. Mr. lie Jie spoked, ''Since the numbers of Yang and Kim corporations are lowest, we would like to stick to them''.

Lu Yang and Kim Sung Hoo both stood as everyone congratulated them. Clear happiness was shown on there faces. It was a great success for both Corporations, but who would have thought that this happiness would make them pay a huge price.

Lee Rang and his assistant Shin Wu left, following them Mr. Lei Jie also left. Yang and Mr. Kim, both came out together and congratulated each other.

'' Uncle, it's going to be great as we both are going to work with each other''. Yang exclaimed.

'' Yes, I never thought that you would grow up so fast, that now we are going to work together as partners''. Mr. Kim was indeed happy.

Yang nodded his head and said,'' Father would be so happy when I will inform him. Anyways why don't we have a dinner party together tonight?''

Mr. Kim nodded and said,'' Yes it would be good but we will arrange the party some other day today I have something to do at home''.

'' No problem uncle. I will take my leave then''. Yang bowed and left. Mr. Kim also settled in his car and called his dear wife Kim Ara.

'' Hello, honey. Did you heard the news?'' Kim Ara had already heard the news on TV as this news spread like a wild forest fire so she said,'' I know. I know. my heartiest congratulations..''.

'' Thank you. I am coming home. I hope children's are at home. It's a great day today. Firstly we got news from our son Suho and now I got the contract. Really its was a heavenly day. I am coming home so we could open the surprise on the children's''. Kim Sung Hoo was flustered with happiness.

'' Did the meeting went well?'' Chen was already sitting in Rang's office, and he asked out of his curiosity.