Finally I am back..

I don't know why. Sometimes I want to cry... I wish to scream and shout... And let my feelings out... I am living like a king... But still, I miss something... I have nothing less... But I can't feel happiness. Inside my bones I am trapped... And with a skin, I am wrapped... Within myself, I do hide... I feel no pain or joy inside... My life has come to a pause... In silence my days all pass... My heart has turned to numb. I am just waiting for the end to come...

Lee Rang was sitting inside his office and writing his emotions when Shin Wu came inside. When Shin Wu entered in, Lee Rang closed his diary and placed it aside and looked at Shin Wu, who was standing to speak.

'' Sir Kim Suho has arrived today at the airport at exact 6 pm and now he's heading towards his home ''The Kim Mansion''. Shin Wu was keeping a close eye on the members of the Kim family.

Lee Rang thought for a while and then said,'' So finally, he has arrived back to his home country''. Shin Wu got confused that why did his boss asked him to keep an eye on Kim's? And now how does he know about Kim Suho.

Lee Rang knew what Shin Wu was thinking so he said,'' Don't worry you will find out soon, how I know them?'' Shin Wu nodded and left as he didn't knew much about Lee families past.

Lee Rang was now again alone in the room. He closed his eyes and rested his head back on the chair, again the flashbacks started coming in front of his eyes. The time when he and Kim Suho along with Chen used to hang out and play and cherish the beautiful moments of there life.

At the Airport...

The plane landed and he stepped in his home country after 9 years. He was only 15 years old when he left with his parents to study in states to become a cardiologist, leaving behind his only 11 years old little sister, whom he loved from the core of his heart.

Wearing ripped jeans and a white shirt with a blue jacket, hairs colored golden brownish with black glasses he was looking pretty cool. He inhaled and exhaled the fresh air and said,'' Finally I am back, Yuri I am coming for you''. With this, he started walking towards the exit gate while his guards were carrying his luggage and two guards were guiding him the way.

Every person was stealing glances on him and girls were dying to get his attention, but just planting a small smile on his face he left with his guard towards his home.