Lee Rang's Past life.. ''SINS''(4)

Finally, it was the freedom day for Yuri as Rang was not around. He left for Business trip. Yuri thought that finally, she got the chance so she could escape and live a better life with her upcoming baby.

Yuri was followed by two guards when she went out, so she tried to escape from them by confusing them. Yuri went to the place where she had promised to meet Yang. She waited for some time but he didn't come, so she texted him. She received a text to come to the alley of the hotel.

Yuri went there, hoping to meet Yang but what she saw in front of her eyes made her world fall upside down. Yang was lifelessly lying on the floor, his body was covered with blood which showed that he was killed badly after being tortured.

Yuri sat on her knees and cried,'' Please Yang open your eyes. Please you can't do this to me. You promised me that you would save me and give me a better life. Why did you do this, open your eyes?''

'' He is already dead''. Yuri heard a cold yet familiar voice and it was the person whom she feared the most, Lee Rang.

She turned towards him who was looking with bloodshot eyes at her. Yuri couldn't control her anger, so she tried to hit him but Rang grabbed her wrist tightly and picked her up. He took her inside the room and tore her clothes off and started torturingg her body, not even caring that she was pregnant.

'' Why? Just tell me why it  has to be me? Why?'' Yuri cried.

'' Because I love you and you are the only mine. I can't let anyone else have you''. Rang shouted.

'' You are a monster, a monster, did you get it You don't deserve love''. She shouted.

The pain that she was feeling inside her body was like she was mercilessly being torn apart. She tried to hit him but her arms were pinned to the bed. 'LET GO! I SAID LET GO OFF OF ME!''

'' I will never let you go. You are mine''.

'' Do you know what. I hate you. I hate you so much that even if you are the last guy on this plant, I won't love you''. Yuri let go off of her emotions.

Her words stabbed him in his heart, without caring he increased his pace. The pain became unbearable for Yuri, she started to feel a strange pain in her abdomen. The only way to get out of all this torcher was to die. Yuri bitted her tongue which caused excess to follow blood out of her mouth and at the same time, due to too much pressure on her body, her water broke even there was some time for the baby to come.

When Rang felt something wet he looked down and understood the situation but when he saw Yuri bleeding mouth he said, 'Yuri''.

Yuri already lost her consciousness. Rang quickly zipped his pants and covered Yuri's body which was covered with marks and bruises and took her to hospital in an emergency.

She was taken to ICU, doctors said that they only save the mother or child in case but it's difficult to save both of them in this condition, due to excess loss of blood from mothers body. After 4 hours, operation doctors came out. The nurse handed Rang a cute little angle, a baby boy, who resembled both, Rang and Yuri. When Rang asked about Yuri, the doctors said sorry as they were not able to save her.

'' We are sorry Mr. Lee, but we were not able to save your wife''. Doctor said.

Rang felt like the world around him stopped, he handed the child to nurse and held the doctor from his neck and shouted,'' Go and save my wife.. go ..bring her back.. or else I will kill you... I didn't allow her to go, bring her back... I said go now''.

The doctor was scared and wasn't able to breathe as he was choked. He refused that his wife was dead. It was a good thing that Shin Wu and Chen came on time and separated Rang from doctor or else he would have killed him.

Chen took his nephew from the nurse and went out. As the scene in front of him was unbearable for him. Shin Wu tried to comfort Rang but it was of no use now.