Plan A, successful..

'' So who said, I am a Vampire? Wait do I look like one.. am I ugly.. but according to fiction's Vampires are super hot and handsome''. Chen knew that Yuri was sitting there along with Suho but purposely came and sat beside Irene.

Yuri's mind wasn't being able to process everything in front of her. Chen as Irene's boyfriend, how can be this possible. She thought she was having a nightmare. Suho thought that how come Chen made a girlfriend, he was never interested in dating.

Kim Suho and Irene saw Yuri lost somewhere, So Suho asked him, '' Yuri what happened?''

'' Nothing.. nothing''.

Irene then introduced Chen as her boyfriend,''Brother Suho and Yuri, this is my boyfriend Chen Sheng, whom you people were calling unpredictable and Chen this is Yuri and her elder brother Kim Suho''.

Suho held his hand out to shake with Chen and gave him a death gaze, then Chen looked at Yuri and held his hand towards her as well.

'' Hy, I am Chen Sheng.. nice to meet you... Irene has mentioned your name several times''.

Yuri saw Chen behaving like that so she also went with the flow and greeted him back...

Irene then said,'' So finally Yuri today you met with him''.

Yuri nodded.

'' As now you are also here, then why don't you join us in lunch''. Suho asked Chen and Chen showed his bunny teeth to Suho who hardly controlled his smile.

'' Yeah sure, if Yuri has no problem then''. Chen looked at Yuri.

Suho smiled and said,'' Why would she have any problem with you having lunch with us?'' Said Suho.

'' She's was the one, so eager to meet you''. Irene added.

'' Oh, so Miss Yuri were you so eager to meet me''. Chen gave a smile to her.

Yuri just smiled back and the food arrived.

While the waiters were serving, Chen said,'' Since we have met now, why don't we exchange our number's.. it would be good to become good friends. Right Irene?''

While passing a plate to Yuri Suho nodded in approval and said,'' Of course we can become good friends. Why don't you tell me first that what do you do''. He didn't wanted Irene or Yuri to suspect that he already knew Chen.

Chen smiled and said,'' Why don't I keep it a secret and open up after some time? You people will be surprised''.

Suho thought for a while and said,'' I love surprises, so okay you can keep it a secret... I will wait for you to open up''.

Chen asked him,'' What do you do?''

Suho said,'' I am a cardiologist''.

'' Seems like you arrived back yesterday''. Chen said out of nowhere.

Suho nodded but Yuri and Irene got surprised and asked,'' How do you know?''

Chen said,'' Oh, no.. that's not what I mean... I only said because many people study abroad for the medical field''.

Suho nodded and started eating his food.

Yuri got a little scared like how Chen mentioned his brother's arrival. She thought,'' Are these spying on me and my family. How did he know? Oh god, how did he became Irene's boyfriend?''

'' I became Irene's boyfriend on a sunny day, in front of her universities Ice cream bar, we both fought over an ice cream, later became friends and from friends to lover's''.

Irene, Suho and Yuri looked at him shocked. Yuri was more shocked that this man could read minds as well... Irene coughed... Suho still shocked, what happened some seconds ago. 

Suho thought,'' This man didn't changed a little bit. He's same as he used to be in his childhood days''. 

Chen looked at three surprised people in front of him so further said,'' I just explained in case, if someone was having any quarries in his/her mind''.

Suho and Irene smiled, while Yuri starred at him.

'' This is my number, Suho''. Chen and Suho exchanged there number's in front of the girls not to make them suspect. Chen then looked at Yuri and asked,'' Your cell number please''.

Yuri didn't want to give her, but Irene took out her phone instead and dialed Yuri's number in Chen's cell phone and gave a call.

'' I think, I am getting late now so I should leave now''. Chen explained while standing up from his chair.

Suho nodded and said,'' It was nice meeting with you Mr. Chen Sheng. Let's meet someday again''.

'' Yeah sure and thanks for the meal... Goodbye Miss Yuri''. He looked at Yuri who was sitting still at her place.

'' Goodbye''. Suho and Irene bid him goodbye.

Irene and Suho then looked at Yuri who was lost in her world.

'' What happened Yuri?'' Irene asked him.

'' Nothing, let's go home I am tired''. Yuri was still in shock to see Chen as Irene's boyfriend... Was he playing with her best friends emotions? Was he just doing this to stay close to Yuri? Many thoughts were coming into her mind but she just let them shrug off. Suho paid the bill and the three set back home.


'' Looks like your women is doing well, she has become more pretty Rang. I guess you won't be able to look somewhere else when you see her. Anyways Plan A successful''. Chen called Lee Rang right after coming out of the mall. He explained everything, then headed to the office.