Look whose lying..

'' Dad something is wrong here''.

Lu Yang called his father right after coming back home. He sensed something fishy. Yuri was ignoring him and the scene where he saw Lee Rang winking at Yuri made him more anxious.

'' What do you mean son?'' Lu Wen Shu asked him.

Yang explained,'' Father, Yuri is ignoring me. Her eyes show there's no love for me''.

Lu Wen Shu said,'' Who even asked you to concentrate on love? All we want is her father's business so make sure to keep that girl as a hand puppet. Thus only we will succeed in our plan. Cling to her, take her out with you. About Kim Sung Ho, I will take care of him''.

Yang who was supporting his father loved Yuri as well so he was about to talk further,'' But dad, I love her''.

His father got angry,'' Yang, I want my plan to succeed and if my plan succeeds, it's your victory as well.. so keep your mind and eyes open''.

His father hanged the call. Yang threw the phone on the bed and went to drink water.


Next morning.

Yuri woke up and then she remembered last night conversation with Rang. She quickly checked her phone and there was Lee Rang's text.

'' Meet  me at Chewon restaurant at exact 2:00 pm, I will wait for you there, love'' .

Yuri read the text, a small smile appeared on her face. She jumped from the bed and went to freshen up.

After getting ready she went down. It was Sunday, everyone was sitting at the breakfast table.

'' Good morning''. She said and sat beside Suho.

'' What's the reason, that angry bird is looking so happy today''. Kim Soo Hyuk asked her.

Yuri noticed that she was overwhelmed with happiness, she thought for a second or two, what to answer, so she simply made,'' Brother, its because my whole family is present here''.

'' Look whose lying?''. Suho commented.

'' Mom, dad see what is he saying''. Yuri knew mom and dad will take her side.

Kim Ara said,'' Suho don't tease my baby''.

Suho patted Yuri's back and said,'' Mom, why shouldn't I tease her. I missed her all the time''.

'' I missed you too brother''. Yuri hugged him.

Suho took a plate a started filling food in for her. Yuri's father asked her,'' Yuri are you free today. I need some help''.

Yuri didn't know what to say. If she lied of course brother Suho will catch her lying but what else she could do.

'' Dad today I have to meet a friend. I would be free at night so then I will help you with your work''. Yuri made an excuse.

Her Dad nodded and said,'' Okay, it's not a big deal. I only have to complete two files''.

'' Don't worry father, I will them at night''. She then started to dig in food.

'' When will you leave. I also have to go out today so I will drop you''. Suho asked her.

Suddenly Yuri started coughing. The food inside her mouth stuck in her throat upon hearing Suho's words.

'' Be careful, why were you rushing?.. here drink water'' Kim Soo Hyun passed her water which she gulped down.

'' Don't worry brother, I will go on my own..''. Yuri said.

'' As you like''. Said Suho.

Yuri didn't want to make anyone suspicious.

At 1:30 pm Yuri started getting ready. She wore a jean's skirt with a white tucked shirt on top. A beautiful pendant on her neck and a link bracelet added more glam to it. She made a bun and left two hair strands out. She wore her sandals and a side little bag.

Yuri was looking amazingly beautiful. She took her car keys and went downstairs. Soo Hyun saw her leaving so she said,'' Yuri, you are looking so beautiful''.

Yuri smiled and said,'' Thankyou sister, Goodbye''.

When she arrived at the restaurant she texted Rang,'' I am here''.

She quickly got the reply,'' I know, a man in a black suit is waiting for you. Follow him''.

Yuri thought that this man was something different. Why didn't he come himself?

Yuri parked the car and went inside. The man bowed and lead her the way. Lee Rang already reserved a V.I.P area. Chewon restaurant was famous in the country for selling the best hygienic food and was the Centre of attention of all the business families and rich people.

The man left her at the place where he was supposed to. Yuri went inside and saw Rang sitting there while scrolling through his phone. A wine glass was placed in front of him.

When Rang saw her coming he lost somewhere. She was looking even more beautiful than yesterday. Her beautiful casual dress and light makeup with baby pink lips and red cheeks were making her look stunning.

Lee Rang himself in a formal black suit was looking so handsome. No doubt every girl out there drooled over him.

Yuri went to him but saw him starring at her deeply, so she said,'' Hello, Mr. Lee''.