As you wish..

Suho went with Chen inside his room. Chen took some clothes out and handed them to Suho,'' You can take bath here, I will use another bathroom''.

Suho thought something mischievous,'' Darling, won't you rub my back. I mean let's take bath together''.

'' Darling? what the Fu*k''. Chen shouted,'' I am not your darling''.

'' Okay, then I am yours''. Suho replied while taking his shirt off.

'' Aish. You are insane!''. Chen was about to leave the room when Suho again called him.

'' Darling my head is hurting. Carry me to the bathtub and help me wash my body''.

Chen said,'' Why don't I call Lee Rang to carry you to the bathtub and wash you? huh!''

Suho let out a chuckle and said,'' No, no! I'm fine without that devil''.

He went inside the washroom and Chen went out. Both took bath and went down. Yuri and Rang were already sitting at the breakfast table.

Suho sat beside his sister,'' Why did you come here?''

'' I was worried about you, why didn't you told me that you were hanging out with him?''

'' Aish.. you get worried easily, anyways I thought you and Rang would be spending some quality time together, so I didn't bother to disturb you two''. He winked at her.

'' I can't remember what happened last night. Rang do you remember?''. Chen asked him.

Rang nodded his head and said,'' Yeah I do, do you two wanna know what happened last night?''.

'' Yeah''. Both said in unison.

Rang told them,'' Last night I saw Romeo and Juliet in reality''.

'' What do you mean? Come to the point, Rang''. Suho asked him.

Rang nodded,'' Last night after drinking, you two shared some passionate moves. Chen you took off your shirt first and the Suho's''.

'' Aghhhh.. at least don't speak such things in front of me''. Yuri's complained as her face turned red with embarrassment.

Suho looked at Chen,'' What? Chen you took advantage of me last night? How can you?''

Chen sat shocked,'' He's lying. don't trust him, he's truly lying''.

Rang controlled his laugh and said,'' If I am lying then why were you two shirtless in each other's arm's?''

They both kept quiet. Yuri focused on her breakfast instead of these crackheads.

Rang further said,'' I heard you two moaning, though I was also drunk I could hear skin slapping and thing's that I can't even explain right now! Agh innocent me''.

Suho said,'' Now I get it why my butt is hurting so much''.

Upon hearing these words Yuri choked the food. She started coughing badly.

Rang quickly gave her water and patted her back,'' Are you alright?''

Yuri burst with anger,'' You three shameless man! At least don't speak such things in front of me''.

She left them shocked on the breakfast table and went to the living room. Rang followed her while Chen and Suho kept fighting.

'' Yuri! it's okay. Don't be so angry''. Rang sat next to her.

Yuri said,'' Let's go! we are getting late''.

''As you wish''. Lee Rang said.

Yuri grabbed Lee Rang's left ear,'' Mr. Lee Rang, don't you dare to say such things again in front of me''.

He nodded,'' As you wish''.

Chen and Suho who were coming inside the living room, laughed out loud when they saw Rang getting scolded.

'' Yuri, I am proud of you. Only you can tame this wild beast''. Chen gave her thumbs up!

'' You two, try to behave yourself next time''. She shouted at the other two.

This time Lee Rang laughed and they both stood silent.