That's like my brother..

It was a cold night. Chilly winds were blowing smoothly when three men peaked into the mansion like ghosts, indistinguishable by the guards.

Today Lee Rang purposely lowered his guard. He knew that Roger would send his dogs to threaten him.

The three-man covered in a black costumes with guns in their hands went straight to Lee Rang's room. They saw him sleeping on the bed, covered with a quilt. They slowly reached close and removed the quilt only to see pillows and cushions.

Instantly someone from behind fired bullets at them on the spot and their bodies lye there lifelessly.

Lee Rang, after killing the three killers who came chasing him, called Chen to blow the next surprise.


Yuri was too worried about Lee Rang. She tried calling him but he didn't receive it which tensed her even more. Suho saw her condition and asked her the reason.

'' Yuri! what happened?''

She looked at him and then explained to him the whole situation, how Lee Rang called her quickly to his office and then asked her to go home and not to come for two days.

Suho listened to him carefully and then said,'' Don't worry. He's perfect at every task. He would be fine, trust me tomorrow he would call you''.

She questionably looked at him,'' How do you know?''

Suho shook his head,'' Nothing! It's already late now go and sleep''.

'' But brother..'' She was about to protest.

'' Yuri! I have to go somewhere. Now sleep and trust me, you know I don't lie with you''. He said while patting her shoulder.

She got more curious,'' Where are you going at this late time of night? It's so cold outside''.

Suho raised his eyebrow,'' Are you going to sleep or not?''

Yuri stomped her feet on the ground and angrily went back to her room. She was worried about the surrounding now.

Suho quietly went out without being noticed. There was a black car waiting for him already.

After settling inside Suho asked Chen,'' I am asking you again, would it be good if we do this?''

Chen asked,'' Why? don't you want to?''

Suho shook his head,'' This would be good for the people, especially the students and young youth but he would be destroyed financially''.

'' My motive is to destroy him financially and teach him a good lesson. Your motive is to stop those drugs from reaching the market. So in conclusion we have the same target, so what's the point of thinking so much right now?'' Chen explained to him.

Suho smirked,'' Okay! then let's do it''.

'' That's like my brother''. Chen focused on driving.

After blasting the plaza, now Lee Rang decided to destroy Rogers's warehouse where the new drug was stored, which was named A-21. This drug contained a high quantity of marijuana. According to the information they received, the drug A-21, after being injected into the body would cause blood clots and the patient would cough blood and die.

Many workers and researchers who were working on it died during its production. The most common symptom's before there death were coughing blood out and fainting.

Roger managed to cover all this through his corrupt prosecutors and lawyers. Lee Rang knew whatever he was doing but he was taking everything slowly because he believed in slow revenge.

After coming back to her room, Yuri threw herself on the bed and started thinking about everything happening around her. Suddenly she thought of calling Chen but his number was also switched off.

'' These three are cooking something fishy. I should find it out''. She thought to herself and then drifted to sleep.

Chen called Rang,'' We are heading towards there. Join us within fifteen minutes''.

Rang saw the time and said,'' Okay! take care of Suho. Still these things are new for him''.

The phone speaker was on, Suho heard what he said,'' Don't worry brother. You will see today that I am pretty good at this as well other than being a doctor''.

Rang smiled. After hanging the call, Shin Wu came in and said,'' Sir! everything is ready. Let's go now''.

Rang said,'' Shin Wu! This gonna be fun tonight. When Roger will wakeup tomorrow, this bad news will welcome him''.

'' Yes Sir!''