Roger didn't payed any attention to the dead bodies of his men at that time but rushed towards his warehouse. When he stepped outside his car, he saw the whole warehouse burning and blasting because the contents of drugs were explosive.

His assistant reached him,'' Sir!..''.

'' Shut up! What the hell happened here?'' Roger shouted at him.

His assistant said,'' Sir! I don't know anything. When I reached here, the warehouse was already on fire''.

Roger gritted his teeth,'' Did you called the fire brigadiers?''

His assistant nodded,'' They must be reaching now''.

Roger spoke with a dark face,'' Who so ever did this, I am going to destroy him to the core that he will regret his life''.


The next morning when Yuri woke up, she quickly checked her phone. She sighed in satisfaction when she saw Rang's text.

She went to get refreshed. It was still early in the morning and today her day was off as well. Yuri thought about her brother and went to check his room but he wasn't there so possibly he was at Rang's mansion. She went down and grabbed a cup of coffee.

The cool breeze was blowing out when Yuri stepped into the garden as she felt the cold yet soothing winds passing through her. The birds were chirping, she sat on the chair and thought about Lee Rang.

'' Do I love him? Why? When did these unknown feeling have started developing in me? But there's something special about him. He has some connection with me. Why do I always think about all this? Grandma advised me to stay away from Lu Family. Lee Rang disclosed Lu Yang's true face. Are they related? Are we related?''

Yuri kept thinking and sat there sipping her coffee.

Lee Rang woke up and after refreshing up went down and saw everyone already on the breakfast table. He knew Grandpa was going to ask him so many questions but to his surprise, he didn't ask him much.

'' Lee Rang!'' His Grandpa addressed him.

'' Yes! Grandpa''.

''I won't stop you from doing anything because I trust you but keep one thing in your mind. Don't get yourself hurt. Protect your brothers and protect your love. Lee Sang, Chen, Suho and you are my four Grandson whom I love and you four have my back until my last breath. Yuri is my heartbeat, don't worry about her. She's my responsibility in your absence''. Grandpa said with pride in his voice.

Lee Rang stood from his chair and went to hug him. He said,'' Of course, I will protect Sang, Chen and Suho. You are all my family. I believe you, Grandpa, thank you for being with me. You are my confidence''.

Grandpa smiled and said,'' Now just bring Yuri here. This mansion will brighten up with her presence''.

Lee Rang looked at Suho who smiled and then Rang said,'' Don't worry! I will bring her here soon''.

Grandpa and others laughed because Lee Rang himself was so eager. After breakfast, everyone came to the living room while Lee Rang went outside in the garden. He called Yuri.

Yuri went to her room after having breakfast. Her father left for office and her mother as well. So she had nothing to do. Kim Soo Hyun was still out of the city with Kim Soo Hyuk.

She saw Rang calling her and picked up,'' Why are you calling now?''

Lee Rang laughed out loud when he heard her angry voice,'' Darling..''.

'' Lee Rang, where were you and brother Suho last night? Are you people alright?'' She asked him worriedly.

Lee Rang scratched the back of his head and said,'' Nothing! I am alright and others too, tell me what were you doing?''

'' Don't change the topic''. She said.

'' I will explain you some other day''. He said.

Yuri knew he won't tell her right now so she said,'' Okay! anyways ask brother Suho to come back home. I am alone here''.

Lee Rang's gaze darkened,'' What? You are alone at home. Where's everyone?''

'' They all went their work''. She told him.

Lee Rang said,'' Get ready! I am coming within ten minutes to pick you up''.

'' Aren't you going to the office?''

'' No! I am coming. Get ready''.

With this Lee Rang hung the call and derived towards Yuri's house without informing anyone.

Lu Yang's parents arrived in Korea. After coming back home the three sat in the living room.

Lu Wen Shu looked at Lu Yang,'' I didn't expect you to be this much fool''.

Lu Bao defended her son,'' Why are you scolding him? He's still young''.

Lu Yang adverted to his father,'' Father! I did whatever you told me''.

Lu Wen Shu laughed out loud,'' If you had followed my advice at that time then today you wouldn't have to regret but you were blind at that time. But we still have time and now I will take everything in my hands''.

Lu Yang looked at him,'' What do you mean father?''

Lu Wen Shu said,'' I will kill Lee Rang just like how I killed his parents back then''.

Lu Yang and Lu Bao looked at each other.

Lu Yang asked,'' Father! He's so clever. That's not easy to kill him''.

Lu Wen Shu looked at him,'' Wait and watch. His family is his weakness and I will use them against him''.