The sooner, the better.

Mr Kim came back home and at dinner, when everyone was present at the table he said,'' Today I went to meet a father and he wants Yuri and Rang to get married as soon as possible''.

Yuri almost choked her food and looked at brother Soo Hyuk and remembered what he said earlier. Suho was glad, he said,'' That's gonna be great father''.

Mr Kim nodded and said,'' Yeah, I know father very well. Lee Rang is his competent and successful Grandson, who would keep my daughter happy. Aside from that, we are business partners as well and family relations will make us more strong. What do you think Soo Hyuk?''

Soo Hyuk replied,'' Yes father. It would be good. If Yuri is happy then I don't have any problem''.

Kim Ara then asked,'' Yuri now you tell me. Do you have any problem with your father's decision''?

Suho mischievously said,'' Why would she have any problem?''

Soo Hyuk spanked him and said,'' You keep quiet''.