Siblings relationship

After lunch, Grandpa, Miss Kim Ara and Mr Kim sat in the living room, conversating with one another about business and politics.

Soo Hyun and Lee Sang went to check upon Suho and Chen while Yuri and Lee Rang came out in the garden for a walk.

Lee Rang asked her,'' Are you still having any cramps or alright now?''

Yuri smiled and said,'' I am fine now''.

Lee Rang nodded and said,'' You scared me yesterday. You were in so much pain and I can't bear to see you in pain''.

Yuri said,'' Don't worry, I'm alright. Anyways did you noticed that brother Chen and sister Soo Hyun have got so close to one another? Their friendship bond is so precious''.

Lee Rang agreed and said,'' Yeah''. But he thought that It's not friendship bond but its siblings bond, who were parted from one another at a very young age''.

Yuri noticed that Lee Rang was lost somewhere so she held his arm and said,'' What are you thinking?''