He's my husband..

Yuri kept starring at Rang's charming face. She thought,'' Rang, I should be asking myself that how I got to be so damn lucky to have you in my life''.

Lee Rang noticed she was starring at him, so he smiled and said,'' Am I that handsome?''

Yuri snapped back and said,'' Rang, you said on the call that there's something you wanna tell me''.

Lee Rang nodded and Yuri continued,'' I also have something to say''.

Lee Rang smiled and held her hand. They both reached a luxurious restaurant. Lee Rang parked the car and said,'' Yuri, stay in for a second''.

She nodded and he got out. Lee Rang came and opened the car door for her. She felt flustered that he was treating her like princesses.

He held his hand out for her to hold and she did. They both reached inside, Lee Rang already reserved a private area for them.