Yuri and Lee Sang's new cars..

After coming back to the car, Lee Rang looked at Lee Sang through the back mirror and said, ''You two always make me proud''.

''You two?'' Lee Sang asked.

''You and Yuri''. He replied while looking at Yuri.

''How?'' Lee Sang said.

''Your academic achievements, your grades, your personalities make me feel proud that you both belong to me''. Lee Rang said.

Lee Sang felt happy when he heard the compliment from his elder brother.

''We will keep on making you proud of us. Right sister?'' Lee Sang said.

Yuri nodded and said, ''Right!''

''I texted Shin Wu to call the manager of car emporium of our company and inform him that Chen will come along with you two to buy new sports cars''. Lee Rang said.

Yuri and Lee Sang looked happily at each other.

''So you are allowing us to buy new cars?'' Yuri said.

Lee Rang chuckled and said, ''I never stopped you''.