Heartless! Can't even let me eat peacefully..

Suho sends a hacker to Mr Kyuug's office. He then called Shin Wu who didn't pick up. Suho sighed and came back to Lee Rang's office because it was dark outside now.

Chen was still working on the laptop. He saw Suho entering inside the office.

''Suho! Order something. I am hungry''. Chen said.

Suho nodded and ordered some food.

''Where's Rang?'' He asked.

Chen replied, ''He said we are going for hunting tonight''.

''Woah! It's gonna be fun''. Suho exclaimed.


Today afternoon, Shin Wu went to the same club where he lost his virginity to an unknown girl. He sat there with a glass of drink waiting for her, hoping to see her.

As he sat there waiting for her, many girls came and asked him for a dance and drink but he refused them all. He was hot and handsome and many tried to seduce him. One even jumped into his lap but he pushed everyone aside from him.