Ki! Why are you so sensitive? It's just underwear

Furiously Lee Rang punched Seo Jun on his stomach and Seo Jun winced in pain.

''Seems like you will never change''. Lee Rang said.

Chul came and held his boss and asked, ''Are you alright?''

''Do you think I am dying?'' Seo Jun said with a smirk as he stood straight and looked at Lee Rang.

  ''I can't punch back my elder brother''.  Seo Jun said.

Shin Wu was continually observing Seo Jun and thought, ''How can be a man of his age this childish and spoiled?''

Seo Jun looked at Shin Wu and said, ''I saw this man a lot with you brother. Who is he?''

''None of your business''. Lee Rang replied.

''Chul! Take this kid back home safe and don't turn right after getting out of the yacht''. Lee Rang said.

''How many men have they sent to kill me?'' Seo Jun asked.

''I will handle. You go back''. Lee Rang said.

''Oh come on brother, you know how much skilled I am to kill dogs''. Seo Jun said while taking out his gun.