May God protect them from green-eyed monters

Lee Rang woke up and looked at the time. His eyes went wide open when he saw it was eleven in the morning.

He checked his phone and there were missed calls from Yuri. He called her back. Yuri was sitting in the vice dean's office after her interview. She got a call and when she checked the caller ID a smile appeared on her face.

She picked up the call.


''Yuri, did you reached the university?'' Lee Rang asked with his voice full of worriedness.

Yuri smiled and said, ''Brother Roger dropped me at the university and now I am done with the interview''.

''Okay, within next ten minutes, I am coming to pick you up''. Lee Rang said.

Yuri agreed and hung up the call. She was used to this behaviour of Lee Rang. He would become worried about her easily and he would become clingy but she loved all his dimensions. 

After placing the phone inside her bag, Yuri remembered how the three professors questioned her.