Attack on Irene and Yuri

Shin Wu when saw how Yuri was daring him, he couldn't think anything other then to stop her.

Chen just came there, Shin Wu looked at him and said, ''Lee Rang is in meeting right now and I have to have to go there. Take care of Yuri and don't let her meet anyone''.

''Who are you to stop me from meeting my friend?'' Yuri said in a rude tone.

''Yuri, Shin Wu is elder then you. You shouldn't talk with him like this''. Chen said.

Shin Wu said, ''Yuri, say whatever you want but I won't let you go anywhere until Rang returns''. 

''Where do you wanna go? Tell me?'' Chen asked.

Yuri looked at him and said, ''Chen, Irene is leaving this country. I want to meet her''.

''You can call her and talk there with her''. Chen said.

Yuri gritted her teeth and started walking towards the exit.

''Chen, don't let her meet that girl, Irene. Lee Rang had abode Yuri from meeting Irene''. Shin Wu said.