Buttering Lu Bao

Roger was going through the trial dates when Suho called him and said, ''Brother! Where's Rang? He's not picking up my calls''.

Roger got worried and said, ''He called me in the morning and asked me to join my office back. Call Chen and ask him about Rang''.

Suho agreed and called Chen but he wasn't picking. Suho got more worried and called Shin Wu.

''Shin Wu! Where's Rang?'' Suho asked Shin Wu as he picked up the call.

''I don't know. I am at the Lee mansion with the guards because Seo Jun left''. Shin Wu said. ''What happened?'' He asked Suho.

''I can't reach Lee Rang and Chen right now, I hope they are fine and safe''. Suho said worriedly.

''Don't worry, Mr Seo Ken would be along with them wherever they are''. Shin Wu said as he knew Lee Rang and Chen went somewhere without informing. So they just have something to do.

''Okay!'' Suho hung up the call.