I am not focusing on girls but only one girl

Lee Rang and Yuri kept talking but soon Lee Rang noticed that she wasn't replying to what he was saying. He looked at her and smiled when he saw she was sleeping peacefully. He smiled and kissed her forehead and thought, ''How can she fall asleep again when she just woke up an hour ago?''

He placed her head on the pillow and got out of the bed. He covered her with the blanket and went inside the bathroom to take shower. After taking shower, he came out of the bathroom but stopped when he saw the bed was empty and Yuri was not there. He wore his clothes and quickly went out of the room. He checked for her everywhere and then went downstairs and sighed when he saw her in the kitchen. He ran towards her and hugged her tightly.

''What happened?'' She asked confusingly.

Lee Rang looked at her and said, ''Don't disappear from my eye's like this. It scares me''.

Yuri said, ''I was hungry, so I came downstairs when you went to take bath''.