Relinquishing Response

We got back home about an hour ago and I havent moved an inch from my bed. I didnt feel like doing anything , in fact I havent even removed my abaya yet. I get a hold of my knees and sit upright and inhale.

I have been stalking him for a week and half and I'm damn sure he goes by the name Hairum and his mates call him Rum but who is this Armaan. Maybe I should have come to the cafe a little earlier instead of propuroslely delaying it. I have seen Hairum in a neighborhood close to ours. He doesn't come to that neighborhood for any business purpose but it's rather something personal and fishy because I had a gut feeling something was wrong all the time he was around.

He had a tall and thin frame but he wasnt lanky or anything. He had firm muscles and always roamed with fancy cars and suits. He looks sackless, stark and suspicious all at the same time.

Earlier this evening I started walking towards his neighborhood to find his house. I got down my car a few blocks away from his neighborhood just to avoid the surveillance. Tracking down vehicles were quite easy than tracking down people. I roughly wrap my brown hijab so that it covers part of my face and walked with my hands in my pocket. It took me about half hour to reach his street . It looked abandoned from far away but in a closer look his pent house stood glowing in the dark. I stood about few meters away examining the house it looked like it was owned by a well off dude.

All the lights were turned off in the grey painted house except for one in the top right corner which had glass sliding door. It was illuminated with white light almost blidining. Everything somehow looks spurious about him. Cause it just appears normal but at the same time it doenst fit well. I couldnt quite get the word to describe and just started trudging off from the apartment towards the cafe. I thought I would pull extra information from Cairo but seems like Cairo is even more clueless. I was too tired to sketch any plan instead planned to doze off.

I dont know why but the girl was more important to me than any crazy wealthy jerk. She was not even my acquaintance but something about me demands to protect her. She seems to have lost a very important part of her life and she looked like she was suffering the aftermath of it. She looked beautiful with a sparkly tooth grin but I could tell something is troubling her from the creaks of her forehead. A modest girl with an excellent character is rare and needs to be protected from the evils of the this world - is what struck my head the first time I saw her.

I was knocked out after a few minutes and someone kept talking which was quite disturbing. I ignore the noise and turn to the furthest end of my bed to sleep again but the distinct voices got louder and louder.

Now , I had no choice but to do the most hated task : to get out of the bed. In a rush I fall from the bed more dramatically than intended. My legs were tightly wrapped under the blanket that I just had to trip off the bed. Now I have no choice but to crawl. I take hold of the door knob and get to my feet and open the door slightly just to hear the conversation. Cairo's voice was not heard. So, the conversation must be of my parents. I strain a little to know what they were talking about.

" Its a good thing they didnt meet , I've my suspicions on him. Why would he make such a proposal " my dad asks in total disagreement.

" what is suspicious? He is asking for protection . He seems to be pretty innocent. What part of him is suspicious? I dont get you and your daughter's perception" my mum defends him. Seriously mum?

" She is a girl. She needs protection herself." My dad worries over me. For the thousandth time dad I dont need it , Allah is watching over me and I promise you, I'll be safe.

"Hah ! dont make me laugh , she scares off people just with her stare." My mum smirks , aren't we going too ahead of ourselves , Mum ?

Then they just randomly switch their conversation to Cairo and I wasnt interested in hearing them out. I close the door without making any noise and crawl to my bed. I pull my blankets and think ' is this safe ?' / 'Will I be a'right' . Maybe I shouldnt overthink it. But I decided to do one thing just for the sake of my dad. I replay a conversation in my head before I doze off again.

Early morning around Fajr I try to recall the conversation and thought of striking a deal with my brother. But his yawns made me stay 10 meters away. He flopped into the bed next second he finished his prayer. And he never woke up until in the late afternoon.

I wonder all he did was sit in a cafe for extra 2 hours and he is still sleeping off to get over it ? I kick him quite lightly on his back and he groans so loud that my mum had to shout from the kitchen "Stop bickering you two !" I kick him again , this time he opens his eyes slightly and looks at me with a scowl

"what do you waaaaant? " he screams.

" um nothing " I shrug my shoulders. It rather feels odd for me to ask him accompany me everywhere I go .

"You want me to come with you , dont you ? " he asks sitting up in his bed . My lord ! This is Cairo , his smart ass misses nothing. I dont answer and just stand there gawking at him. I want to Relinquish but I don't want to give up just yet.